Page 13 - NAMAH January 2016
P. 13

Namah  Consciousness as medicine: reflections and experiences...

Within a couple of days, he was able to         couple of months later she came for another
overcome the emotional shock and free           workshop, and shared that for the first time
himself to some extent from the heaviness       in many years her thyroid hormones were
around the chest. Ironically, within a few      within normal limits without need for any
days, he said that he was feeling better,       supplements.
rather much better than the pre-diagnosis
days — a feeling of lightness. I tried to       Drug allergy and consciousness
explain that the problem was merely one of
sugar metabolism and easily reversible. That    I got a distress call one evening. Ms. Y was
he need not believe he was a diabetic, for      having severe pain and inflammation on her
once the sugar metabolism is restored he is     right leg allegedly due to drug reaction.
no longer a diabetic.                           Over the phone, I guided her to sit quietly
                                                and breathe deeply. The healing session
In the initial days, the focus was on making    lasted for more than an hour, wherein I
the consciousness free from fear and anxiety.   helped her to go within and invoke Peace
Slowly as he learnt to go within and visualise  and Love in the tissues. After the session,
his inner body, he saw the state of his         the inflammation had much subsided; there
pancreatic cells — dry, and full of fear. For   was no pain and fear. However, once the
three weeks, we worked daily, reassuring the    acute phase was over, Y went back to her
cells and invoking Light and Love. The inner    old doctors and medicines.
milieu of the organs changed; the cells
became more alive and started secreting.        Abdominal cramps and peace
Within three weeks, the blood sugar too
came down, along with a feeling of peace        I have had umpteen instances of patients
and confidence.                                 complaining of distress from abdominal
                                                cramps, and recovering within a few minutes
Auto-immunity and thought-patterns              of silence and invoking peace in the body.

After working with a few patients with auto-    Reflections on healing
immune disorders, I realised that the
immune system is highly sensitive to our        Healing methods — reflecting a greater Truth
thought-patterns. Ms. G, an Australian          behind
middle-aged lady, had suffered from
Hashimotos thyroiditis for many years. She      The techniques which have evolved over the
was also in serious emotional distress,         years signify a greater Truth of Nature and
having lost her father recently. She had a      must be understood and practised with that
healing session after attending one of my       awareness. However if the person uses the
workshops. While in meditation, she             techniques mechanically, there is no deeper
visualised darkness and multiple prickly        change in the Consciousness. The techniques
structures in her thyroid tissue depicting      become mere mechanical tools and a sort of
auto antibodies. As she prayed and invoked      replacement of the medicines and the larger
Light, the antibodies too disappeared. A        purpose of healing is defeated.

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