Page 11 - NAMAH January 2016
P. 11

Namah  Consciousness as medicine: reflections and experiences...

Peace, love — concrete powers that              visited her factory after several months.
influence the body
                                                During one of the days, I met her before her
Over the years, I have begun to realise that    morning dose of morphine and suggested
peace, joy, love and light are not mere         having a brief healing session. After much
psychological states, but in fact concrete      effort at trying to work through the emotional
powers that have the power to influence the     sphere, she was for a brief moment able to
body. I have seen the effect of these powers    bring down peace into the abdominal
working even in acute illnesses rather          region. As the peace descended, she felt the
dramatically. I have observed the body          pain receding. The experience was quite
respond immediately, the pain flowing out,      amazing, for many hours the effect of the
inflammation receding and a sense of peace      peace remained and there was no pain even
settling in the physical organs. I have seen a  without morphine. Even the big emotional
rapid change in the psychological state of      heaviness around her heart receded.
people. The power of peace breaks the cycle
of fear and panic and brings in a new           However, she found it difficult to sustain
influence on the body. There were numerous      this ‘consciousness’. The moments she was
cases, wherein the acute suffering of the       indrawn and felt the Presence, she felt good,
person transformed within a few minutes.        but later when the old nature returned, life
                                                became difficult with all the pain and
Cancer pain and the power of peace              suffering. Unfortunately, I was unable to
                                                work long enough with her. She succumbed
Mrs. R was an accomplished businesswoman        to her disease in peace a few months later.
in her late 50s. She was suddenly diagnosed
with advanced stage of cervical cancer a few    Asthma exacerbations and peace
months earlier. The doctors had ruled out any
surgical or radiotherapy intervention at this   Mr. P, my colleague, was in distress and
stage and for the excruciating pain put her     suffering from an acute exacerbation of
on palliative therapy with injectable opioids.  asthma. Unfortunately that day he did not
The first time I met R was in her house, she    have his inhaler with him. I saw him in my
was confined to bed and in a state of           office, and asked him to sit down and relax.
depression. She could not come to terms         I instructed him to withdraw inwards from
with her illness and the question of, ‘Why      the outer feeling of breathlessness and move
me?’, still rankled deep inside.                into a vast space inside. Within a few seconds,
                                                the panic was gone, his breathing became
The initial healing sessions were focused on    quieter and slower and the expressions on
freeing her from the dense clouds of            his face changed. P, being a doctor himself,
depression and gloom and rekindle the will      was pleasantly shocked at the simplicity and
to live. In fact after the first session, her   effectiveness of the approach. I have had
friends and family members were surprised       similar experiences with a few other patients
to see her transformed psychologically, she     with acute asthma, and consistently observed
was cheerful, back to work and in fact even     an immediate effect on the symptoms.

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