Page 14 - NAMAH January 2016
P. 14

Namah                                              Vol. 23, Issue 4, 15th January 2016

Healing methods and the state of consciousness     they learn to become more deeply aware
                                                   of the different parts of their being and
The power of the healing processes depends         gradually learn to use inner ways to heal
on the depth of consciousness from where           the body and mind. They realise that the
they come. The deeper the state the client         real power to change the body and mind
is able to enter, the greater becomes the          is actually within them. One of the most
power and effectiveness of the technique           beautiful side-effects of this method is that
to heal. If the techniques are used in the         one no longer feels helpless and dependent
externalised normal consciousness, the             on external therapies and therapists. With
effect is not deep enough. For most of             the consciousness approach, one learns
people, it takes some time to enter deep           to become aware of the inner causes of
within in a meditative state. There again,         disease, to realise the influence of thoughts
the quality of aspiration and the state of         and emotions on the body and become
consciousness matters much. This fact              empowered to change one’s thoughts,
helps explain why different people react           emotions and the body. Rather than looking
differently to healing sessions.                   outside for a solution, one learns to look
                                                   within and work on one’s own self. People
Hence, one of the important steps in healing       realise that they can change the inner
is to go within and touch a higher state of        conditions of the body and reverse the
consciousness, and from that state, it is much     disease-process. People realise that they
easier and effective to work on the mind,          are responsible for their own life and
vital and body.                                    health and that if they want they can
                                                   change both their life and health. In this
Healing techniques — not rigid methods             inner state of consciousness, healing looks
                                                   so simple.
All these so-called healing methods or
techniques have evolved naturally during           Healing — A 24-hour process to change and
the process of healing. I am not sure if these     grow
methods can be strictly confined and defined
into rigid techniques. For me personally,          With each client, we try to discover the inner
these are just natural ways to help the body       conditions that are creating the disease or
open up to a higher consciousness and              preventing the healing. We also identify the
facilitate the healing process. So, in fact there  areas of change in one’s thought and
is lot of creativity and freedom in using these    behavioural patterns. Healing thus is not
methods and what matters is not the outer          merely confined to the healing techniques,
form but the consciousness behind these            but is a 24-hour process, wherein the person
techniques.                                        needs to remain aware of the inner and
                                                   external life-patterns and try and change
Inner awareness and the power to change and        them. It is important to understand that
heal oneself                                       unless we change, nothing really changes.
                                                   We may overcome a particular episode of
As people go through the healing process,          illness using techniques, but unless there is

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