Page 23 - NAMAH-Oct-2016
P. 23
Namah Notes on counselling
his or her positive evaluation of the self is In the Indian spiritual tradition, every
usually inaccurate. From the consciousness maladaptive event in life can be turned
perspective, this is understandable. One can into a stepping-stone for a personal growth
focus on one’s negative attributes from one’s in consciousness. This is because every
rational poise. But to observe one’s positive manifested thing is considered to be
attributes, even one’s rational overtures need a a projection of a higher Superconscious
poise stationed above one’s rational mind. Not Unmanifest Archetypal Reality which gets
surprisingly, positive self-assessments that deformed, distorted or deviated in creation.
arise during cognitive therapy are very often Thus eternal life becomes death in creation,
erroneous, dysfunctional and maladaptive, the knowledge of unity becomes the ignorance
bordering on a veiled ego-satisfaction. In a of diversity and the essence of everlasting
way, mindfulness-based stress reduction love becomes the nodal point of hatred and
exercises (MBSR) employing exercises like envy. Likewise the principle of unalloyed
meditation, relaxation, yoga, body scanning, pleasure becomes the anguish of unremitting
positive thought reinforcement and widening pain. However the Indian tradition also
experiences are non-controversial and improve experientially realised that as the macrocosm
pain parameters and health-related quality was represented in the microcosm, the
of life measurements (HRQoL) and increase microcosm also had the potential to be
effectiveness of any pain treatment module. represented in the macrocosm. This is
both the metaphysical and psychological
The inner realms of consciousness justification of why, despite our limitations
within a space-bound and time-bound
From the consciousness perspective, any reality, the human aspiration can move
understanding is incomplete unless it towards the Eternal Reality beyond space
addresses the inner realms that hold the and time. If this is so, we must accept the
fourth-dimensional central principle or soul- experience of seekers and mystics that the
essence of the being. The Indian tradition principle of pain can be sublimated into
holds that the intrinsic essence of the dualities the principle of unconstrained pleasure
of pain and pleasure is the actual rasa that against the gestalt of Enanda, the motiveless
has to be deciphered and perceived at the Bliss that alone gives meaning to existence
inner realms of consciousness so as to get and life.
linked with the Bliss-principle or Enanda
of the quintessential Indian metaphysical From the physiological perspective, pain
tradition. This Enanda is the value aspect of serves an important signal and protector of
the Supreme Reality or Sachchidananda and our bodily system. But for its presence and
upholds all existence and gives meaning to timely warning, we would miss the enormity
life. Enanda is a non-motivational sui-generis and gravity of threatening wounds, traumas
principle that is independent of all dualities and ulcers which could lead to even greater
and its realisation has not only given aspirants fatality. From the consciousness perspective,
solace and strength to bear pain and suffering pain serves an evolutionary purpose. Pain
with magnanimity and equipoise but has also indicates an imperfection in the being, a
helped them to transform pain into pleasure. breach in the integrity, a lacuna in the armour.