Page 27 - NAMAH-Oct-2016
P. 27

Namah                                                     In the bubble

health, undisturbed repose and cheerfulness               gradually step forward. This is a process of
and bright gladness constitute this element in            saadhana.a If we learn to trust our body more,
it and give it strength and substance. It is a very       a certain protection is established. Its voice
sensitive medium with facile and quick reactions;         is very quiet; it can easily be muffled amidst
it readily takes in all kinds of suggestions and          the din of its more overbearing neighbours.
these can rapidly change and almost remould its           The key is contact.
condition. A bad suggestion acts very strongly
upon it; a good suggestion operates in the                For instance, I might occasionally notice the
contrary sense with the same force. Depression            body recoil from a food craving of the vital.
and discouragement have a very adverse effect;            If I can detach from this impulse and go with
they cut out holes in it, as it were, in its very stuff,  the body’s message, it usually saves a degree
render it weak and unresisting and open to hostile        of harm. When the psychic moves closer to
attacks an easy passage (5).”                             the physical, the body may even install its
                                                          own alarm system against outside danger.
It is very clear that this protection is available        One can observe it with animals. They have
to all. Anyone with a positive outlook will               less to clutter away this natural gift. The
benefit greatly from it, even if he or she is             cultivation of the body consciousness is an
unaware of it. It is not only the possession              important facet of the Integral Yoga and it
gurus and spiritual aspirants. Anyone with                takes a certain refinement to understand its
a strong vitality will unknowingly rely on it             dialogue. This is no more evident than when
from time to time. However, as long as nature             illness seeks to enter:
provides the only sustenance, the protection
will capriciously appear and disappear from               “If one is sensitive, very sensitive — one must
our lives. It is only the imprint of the spirit           be very sensitive — the moment they [illnesses]
that can give this protection the necessary               touch the subtle body and try to pass through,
stability and permanence. To be conscious of              one feels it. It is not like something touching
this shield gives it its greatest power.                  the body, it is a sort of feeling. If you are able
                                                          to perceive it at that moment, you have still the
So as I pass through the day, I find it helpful           power to say ‘no’, and it goes away (6).”
to make repeated reference to this sheath. I try
to stay in touch with it. I have to resist the tugs       So staying inside this insulation is not an inert
from outside and become aware of what the                 and passive state. One cannot shut oneself off:
physical consciousness is saying to me. I look            attention is always required. Consciousness,
at this protection as a part of the body and              accompanied with force, is the ultimate
try to look at the physical in its totality. The          protection. It engenders a vigilance which
body is a channel for all movements, inside               awakens to every intrusion. It is not born of
and out. For me, a chief aim of meaningful                anxiety but from energy given by the Divine.
practice is to make the body an authentic                 It is a consequence of practice, by keeping our
channel for the spirit. The body itself has its           awareness integrally poised over the whole
own sharpened sense of self-preservation.                 being. It is when our guard is down that risk
A clear discernment hides deep inside and                 ensues. If the attention is firmly anchored in
if one stays with it, a kind of intuition will            a higher consciousness, one can pass through

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