Page 28 - NAMAH-Oct-2016
P. 28
Namah Vol. 24, Issue 3, 15th October 2016
life with a trusting glow. This is the key to our enquiry, to trace the affliction to its source.
human shield: the divine inhabitant which is I enquire into the origin of the distortion.
found in all of us. If the psychic connection is Somewhere, deep down, there must be an
intact, the subtle body will surely take care affinity which has produced this imbalance1.
of itself. I need to be very inwardly connected but if
the process is followed to completion, it stops
When a negative influence, like a microbe for the negative formation from developing into
instance, seeks entry, it should be thrown out full-scale illness.
immediately, at the precise time that it arises.
In practice this is quite rare, particularly in The fourth defence is very common: the
the early stages of practice, but all is not lost, formation has reached culmination and
a further opportunity soon follows: illness has settled. It has already touched
what Mother terms the “physical-physical”.
“If you are not conscious at that moment, We have no alternative. We have to face the
the next minute or a few minutes later you consequence of this attack and go through,
get a queer sick feeling inside, a cold in the “what medical science calls ‘the course of the
back, a little uneasiness, the beginning of illness’. One can hasten the course with the
some disharmony; you feel a maladjustment help of spiritual forces, but all the same the
somewhere, as though the general harmony had procedure must be followed (9).”
been disturbed. Then you must concentrate all
the more and with a great strength of will keep The path of growth offers the prospect of
the faith that nothing can do you harm, nothing immediate and conclusive protection and
can touch you. This suffices, you can throw off cure, but one of the beauties of nature is that
the illness at that moment (7).” there is always a remedy regardless of the
stage one finds oneself in.
There are further lines of defences (the Mother
outlines four in all (8), successively lengthier Accidents
in their action and response). The ‘second
line’ described above also requires a certain Ultimately our best safeguard is consciousness.
amount of refinement and inner progress. If This applies particularly to accidents. Being
absent, one has to take recourse to the third protected is not a dormant status, we need
where the formation has entered and looks to be awake and attentive:
to cause havoc inside. I have found myself
in this situation on many occasions. “There are days when one feels quite… not
exactly uneasy, but as though one were trying
When this happens, I try, through detailed to catch something which escapes, one can’t
1The Mother says that, “...once the thing is lodged there, all will depend not only on the receptivity
of the body but still more on the willingness of the part which is the cause of the disorder. You
know, when the thing comes from outside it is in affinity with something inside. If it manages to
pass through, to enter without one’s being aware of it, it means there is some affinity somewhere,
and the part of the being which has responded must be convinced (10).”