Page 33 - NAMAH-Oct-2016
P. 33
Namah Adequate hydration — a key to health
exposure to sudden contrast (cold to hot and water — not chilled. Drink it slowly, sip
hot to cold) is harmful. For example, if you by sip. Avoid gulping it while walking
are in an air-conditioned area and are about or talking. If you are very fond of having
to go out in the sun, you should first be in a chilled water, then you should persist with
non-air-conditioned area for 10–15 minutes, plain water and only switch to chilled water
get acclimatised and then go out. when a sufficient amount of plain water
is drunk.
The same should be followed while entering
an air-conditioned area. Keep the temperature Always make it a point to drink a lot of plain
of the air-conditioner above 25°C. When you water 30 minutes before your main meals
are well hydrated you get acclimatised easily. (breakfast, lunch, and dinner). Drinking water
I remember a patient of mine who used to get before light snacks is also a good habit. If you
recurrent bleeding from her nose in summer happen to eat without hydrating yourself,
and winter. She used to get painful dry scabs your body is deprived of fluid for almost 2
in her nostril, culminating into bleeding. She hours till the stomach starts emptying. During
was in the habit of drinking chilled water the Indian summer, on an average one should
during all seasons. We advised her to drink consume 750–1000 ml plain water half an
plain water first in sufficient quantity and hour before one’s meal. In winter, 500 ml
then, if needed, take chilled water. When would suffice.
we ensured adequate intake of water, she
stopped getting dry scabs in the nose and Eating heavy meals leads to prolonged
subsequently she never had bleeding from churning of food in the stomach, which in
the nose. There are many instances of getting turn leads to exertion and delayed emptying.
cracked lips, cracks in palms and soles. Most This leads to dehydration for a while and
cases will be alleviated by adequate intake discomfort. Hence, eat food that is light and
of water. easy to digest. Avoid eating fried foods.
Even while travelling you should take Having an early dinner and sleeping early
care that you are well hydrated. If you are helps in building up your abilities to cope
travelling in an AC car, you should switch on with summer.
the AC only after you have started on your
journey. In the same manner, a little before On an empty stomach, the emptying time
coming out of your AC car, you should switch for plain water is negligible. Within a few
off the AC and then disembark from your minutes, the fluid advances further and is
vehicle. Avoid over-exertion when it is very absorbed in the system. The sign that you
hot. Rather keep your pace of work low so are well hydrated is crystal-clear copious
that you stay cool. urine. Sweating helps maintain coolness
in the body.
Important tips on water consumption for
everyone When we eat solid food, the pyloric end is
shut and the digestive system starts working.
It is important to drink a lot of water — plain Nothing is allowed to pass further until it