Page 32 - NAMAH-Oct-2016
P. 32
Namah Vol. 24, Issue 3, 15th October 2016
that might be the problem. There is a myth among one sect of Eyurvedic
physicians that drinking water on an empty
On studying the dynamics of the school, we stomach is poisonous! Maybe there is a
advised them to regularise the water-intake genuine reason behind the genesis of such a
of the school children. We counselled the myth. In human physiology, when one eats
parents to ask their children to drink more a solid meal the food gets churned up in an
water or fluids in any form before coming hour or two by tight closure of the pyloric
to school. The children used to eat snacks or end of the stomach. The hydrochloric acid
mini meals during recess. The teachers also secreted in the stomach has a disinfectant
prompted the children to drink more water action along with the digestive process.
half an hour before recess. After one week However this emptying time for plain water
of this practice, the strong odour from the on an empty stomach is almost zero. In case
toilets stopped. The children too were much drinking water contains any harmful germs
more comfortable as they had no bladder they would easily pass on further, directly
irritability. This pattern of drinking water into the small intestines. This is the reason
before food resolved the issue swiftly. we advise everyone to drink safe water
(preferably of body temperature) free from
I have come across numerous cases of Urinary possible contaminations.
Tract Infections (UTI). These subjects often
develop recurrent episodes of UTI. Each People have witnessed sporadic cases of so-
time a heavy dose of antibiotics gives just called water intoxication being fatal. Such
temporary relief. Many of them enter into incidences occur after heavy physical
a vicious circle. As they start urinating activity like athletics. When an athlete after
frequently, they tend to restrict fluid-intake extreme dehydration gulps water fast, the
under the wrong impression that the intake system goes into a shock-like crisis which
of more water would cause further frequency can sometimes turn fatal. Under such an
of urination. The recurrent inflamed bladder utter dehydration state, one should drink
mucosa causes irritation even with little urine body temperature water sip by sip till one
but giving rise to the urgency to urinate. is moderately hydrated.
People with such a condition (chronic cystitis)
need to pass urine 4 to 5 times every night. Sweating is a physiological coolant for the
Such a person needs to drink lots of water human body during the hot season. During
in the proper pattern for months to resolve a hot summer, it is essential to keep yourself
thickening of the bladder mucosa caused by well hydrated. In case you are not hydrated
chronic inflammation. We need to counsel the properly, the body cannot invest fluid for
person to understand that the frequency is sweating. Hence you start experiencing heat.
due more to irritation of the bladder and not Good hydration ensures enough scope for
because of excessive urine secretion. In clinical sweating and thereby cooling your body. I
practice, you get equal number of cases of have seen people, who complaining of heat,
UTI in summer and winter. The reason is drink plain water in large quantities then
poor intake of water. In winter humidity is slowly start sweating freely. This sweating
low and sweat gets dried instantly. instantly relieves their hot feeling. However,