Page 16 - NAMAH-Jan-2017
P. 16
Namah Vol. 24, Issue 4, 15th January 2017
Unusual experiences invoked, like those of writer, Joseph Rael
(25), are they true or hallucinatory? How
My proposition is that some people who do they compare with someone who suffers a
spontaneously have NDE, OBE, ELE experiences psychosis event? Most societies have specialists
(religious experiences; near-death, out-of-body, who are clairvoyant, psychic, shamans or
and end-of-life experiences) may not have a mediums and can see into dimensions beyond,
framework for understanding them, and in and who bridge realms of consciousness
association with other factors, may attract between health, life and death. These specialists
psychiatric attention. I suggest some people deliberately move their centre of perception
who have extreme experiences, may be beyond the body into a non-local centre.
experiencing an NDE, OBE or ELE together
with anxiety and distress. Is it possible people from indigenous
communities have a greater awareness
In addition, there are some specialists like of subtle states of consciousness? In the
shamans and psychics who deliberately invite old days, this was perhaps considered as
experiences and turn them on and off at ‘superstitious’, but today may be seen as
will. Others have spontaneous experiences having deep insight into altered states of
which stop. People who cannot control their consciousness. Perhaps Western society is
experiences may come to the attention of wrong in its diagnosis of schizophrenia?
psychiatrists. The phenomenology appears to
be the same, although the effects are different. Remote-viewing
Is it possible that the human self is porous
and, like a radio transmitter can change The topic of remote-viewing is contentious:
frequency, tune into different time and space military organisations in various countries
frameworks? When we deny consciousness deny being involved with it, and deny
continuing after bodily death, perhaps we its efficacy (26). But I wonder, if remote-
believe our own culture-bound explanations viewing can occur, is it possible that people
for mental suffering? having extreme experiences, are tuning
into information from other places, like a
Opening the doors of perception radio? If they do not have a framework for
understanding, would they not become
The data here is suggestive that anyone can anxious and confused? What is normal to one
open the doors of perception, while some set of people may be considered abnormal
people are born with the doors of perception to another.
open. I assume that all human beings have a
normal in-built capacity to have ‘anomalous’ Uprising of anger
experiences, if not during their life, then at
the end of their life. Paranormal experiences, religious experiences
and the symptoms of schizophrenia appear
Deliberate action to open perception to lie at the ends of a continuum (27). People
having anomalous experiences tap into a
If visionary experiences are deliberately non-local realm and problems arise when