Page 22 - NAMAH-Jan-2017
P. 22
Namah Vol. 24, Issue 4, 15th January 2017
“In the depths of your consciousness is the Looking at the first, in the absence of any
psychic being, the temple of the Divine within guiding light, there is considerable huffing
you. This is the centre round which should and puffing while the lower nature tries
come about the unification of all these divergent to produce its share of the progress. Each
parts, all these contradictory movements of your element wants always its own piece of cake.
being. Once you have got the consciousness They are always giving instructions and
of the psychic being and its aspiration, these signals. In fact these messages conflict usually
doubts and difficulties can be destroyed…. with one another and we are rarely able to
When the central being has made its surrender, move forward in a straight line. So which
the chief difficulty has disappeared. The outer do we heed?
being is like a crust. In ordinary people the crust
is so hard and thick that they are not conscious Many of these signals are erroneous but
of the Divine within them. If once, even for a there is invariably a leading aspect to our
moment only, the inner being has said, ‘I am nature that provides a glimpse of what our
here and I am yours’, then it is as though a individuality is truly about. Identifying
bridge has been built and little by little the crust this will give us some kind of foundation
becomes thinner and thinner until the two parts on which to build. Initially this is where we
are wholly joined and the inner and the outer pitch our camp and this is where considerable
become one (6).” effort is concentrated and expended. It is not
the securest of platforms and one open to
So a foundation is established. This may be the considerable misinterpretation. Much effort
first significant realisation and springboard to is needed because there will be times when
a new life. The psychic being has a radiating the psychic being is almost entirely obscured.
influence. A whole new process starts to One’s personal will is the only start: one prays
unwind and one moves to new synchronous for light in the darkness and is fumbling
realms by collaborating with it. We do this continually for one’s next move. The guidance
with consciousness because it requires appears spasmodically and for a long time
consciousness to distinguish the true from this effort is our only recourse before any
the dross. I have found the work of erecting a kind of inner connection is cemented.
true individuality take two forms. In a sense,
one is preparatory to the other but both seem In the midst of all this, at every juncture, there
simultaneously to run side by side. The first is the descending Force which is at work,
task is to dismantle whatever conceals the shaping and moulding the personality into
truth of our being and the second is to open an individual. We need to give ourselves to
the gates to our divine potential. this Force. If we remain open to it, it can go
right down to the deepest cells of our body.
Three factors Initially it works behind the scenes but as
soon as we experience its workings vividly,
From my perspective there are three influences its effect can be one of alchemy. For many of
which stop man from drowning and assist the traditional yogas, changing the nature
his rise to true human-hood: personal effort, is impossibility. So this process requires the
the descending force and the psychic being. supreme determinism. Here is an opening