Page 23 - NAMAH-Jan-2017
P. 23

Namah                                              Conscious individuality

to the Grace, the ultimate sanction. It is a       work responds always with the descending
process that unwinds as soon as one gives          Force. When we are relaxed and connected,
oneself. In the Integral Yoga particularly, one    we simply scan the body from top to bottom.
gradually becomes more and more conscious          An inner torch might even come to hand. It
of it. For me, it started as a vague sensation at  depends upon the nature, but if undertaken
the top of my head. It accompanies one for life    with the fullest sincerity, the right means
and, when one is conscious of it its influence     will come forward always to carry out the
becomes ever more tangible and immediate.          task. The process substitutes automatically
One can feel it eventually coursing through        the true by the false and leaves behind a
one’s veins. I feel that one must be awake to      sense of overriding peace. It demonstrates
it to benefit from its fullest influence.          that knowledge possesses a great power, the
                                                   power to truly change and transform. Its base
Progressive harmony                                is always the psychic force which is present
                                                   but hidden inside every human being.
I have found that the work of individualisation
is done also through the process of inner          The psychic being is never satisfied with
alignment. It is by a progressive harmony          piecemeal solutions. It asks for integrality,
that a true individual is created. Individuality   which means that the harmony has to be
needs to be cemented and it is harmony             established over both the entire inner and
which is the glue that holds it all together.      outer being. A true individual radiates the
Harmony is a principal attribute of the            psychic influence over the whole being. This
psychic being. Starting from a narrow and          includes the body. Deep in its cells, the form
thin base, with attention, this harmony will       yearns to reveal and express the spirit that is
expand and grow. As the harmony becomes            concealed behind it. The body is the crucible
more perfect, a true integer gradually evolves.    of this change:
It will take considerable time and patience.
Our aim is creating a homogenous whole, but        “The limitations of the body are a mould; soul
initially we will find inevitably many barriers    and mind have to pour themselves into them,
inside. Our being is compartmentalised and         break them and constantly re-mould them in
we become aware of it being pulled in all          wider limits till the formula of agreement is
kinds of different directions. This awareness      found between this finite and their own infinity
is essential because these barriers can be         (7).”
dismantled by the practice of self-observation.
Self-observation is an art which is enhanced       It is my deepest aspiration that the spirit can
only by continual practice.                        express itself in a total way throughout the
                                                   body. This is why the crust must go. Anything
The work separates the true from the dross in      ‘habitual’ is precisely this and needs to be
a quiet and undemonstrative way. By reading        transcended. When the form is invaded by
the signals from our body, we come to find         the spirit it ceases to be mere ‘crust’ but an
the truth behind the enigmas of our scattered      intrinsic part of the new individual. That
psychology. If we call for help in this task from  is because it has become conscious. The
the highest source, it is invariably given. The    body that we are given is our instrument

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