Page 20 - NAMAH-Jan-2017
P. 20
Conscious individuality
James Anderson
Becoming a conscious individual entails dismantling every one of our false constructions and opening
to the Truth inside to govern our entire being. It is about being an authentic human being and
embarking on this process is essential to our growth, health and well-being. The author shares his
Introduction of a conscious and true individual which is
the subject of this article.
Becoming a true individual can be a real
grind and can be done only consciously. For Creating this complete integer can be at
good reason, the Mother calls it a “conquest” least a lifetime’s work but embarking on
where the “will to change” is mandatory (1). it is essential to our health and well-being.
It is the first stage of yoga, because “once It is not just a matter of simple psychology
you have realised within you something like as every element of the human condition
a personal independent and conscious being, is interlinked in the complex matrix of our
then what you have to do is to break the form human nature. It has a holistic effect. Once
and go farther (2).” It is the first requirement the true identity is formed, it has ripened
of human growth; it is about becoming an to the ultimate stage, the surrender of what
authentic human being. one is to the Highest Power. There can be no
surrender more significant than this: what is
Sri Aurobindo refers to “two periods of this being offered is a vast state of freedom and
Yoga, — one of the process of surrender, the self-mastery. The identity with the boundless
other of its crown and consequence. In the reveals the divine secret behind our human
first the individual prepares himself for the potential.
reception of the Divine into his members. For all
this first period he has to work by means of the The status quo
instruments of the lower Nature, but aided more
and more from above (3).” This period seems The trouble is, very few people have an idea
to involve and conclude with the formation of who or what they really are. The true