Page 21 - NAMAH-Jan-2017
P. 21

Namah                                             Conscious individuality

treasure is concealed. The usual human being      gets shielded from our gaze and a thick
is analogous to a caged animal, tethered to       ‘crust’proceeds to cover our true nature (5).
the past and a creature of habit. Even when it    In some, it seems so thick that it completely
feels most free, it travels unconsciously down    chokes everything underneath. For instance,
familiar grooves and follows only repeated        we identify ourselves and others by the body
patterns. It remains imprisoned inside its        and the personality. Individuality should not
own veneer. Its body and even its emotional       be confused with personality. Personality
responses are both controlled largely by habit.   is a superficial front and, with the body,
It remains enslaved by the routines and           comprises a substantial part of what society
motions of ordinary life and over the years it    defines us by. This false identification applies
becomes a reflection of it. Even before birth, a  to every side of our nature. A true individual,
preparatory phase is already under way and        however, centres his or her entire being on
afterwards it is reinforced by a vast range       the Truth. It is not something that can be put
of societal and environmental conditioning,       into words. It is not really a list of attributes
“that slow formation through hours and hours,     and qualities. One just ‘is’ and automatically
through days and days, experiences added          knows when any action or thought is out of
to experiences, which gradually builds up a       resonance. It is a spontaneous condition. It is
consciousness. You are underneath it as beneath   the connection inside which facilitates this:
a bell-glass (4).” During adulthood, the human    there is something indeed very true within
becomes more complicit in building his own        and it is only this consciousness that can steer
dungeon. A pressure for conformity solidifies     back to our genuine source.
and he edges towards death in at best, a
state of semi-conscious drowse. He grasps         But humanity is conditioned into a herd
any handfuls of happiness that are offered        mentality and it takes strength and courage
along the way but overall he can access only      to break free of the pack. The pack evokes
a pallid sense of well-being. Inside and out he   always an element of safety and compromise.
is fenced in by barriers that limit his capacity  As long as one stays within the tramlines,
to expand and breathe.                            one gets the accustomed benefits of the
                                                  ordinary life. One can all too easily become
False identification                              a part of the walking dead and unless one
                                                  makes a strenuous effort to stay awake, it
The reason for this is false identification. It   will cage and ensnare the soul. It is this false
is not easy to correct. Although the nature is    identification which must be shed first if
almost entirely borrowed, it proves always        one is to become an authentic human being.
so difficult to relinquish. The human being is    One movement can become the first step to
immersed in what are only mere instruments:       breaking this barrier. The true individual
mind, life and body. He loses his true            is the Divine Inhabitant living within and
identity. Not least, this situation reduces the   if one can recognise this, even for a few
effectiveness of the instruments themselves.      seconds, the momentum will be entirely
This state of affairs can become very inimical    reversed. So the first stage in becoming
to his health. It is only the Truth which         a true individual is always one of self-
gives them a purpose. The innate divinity         giving:

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