Page 28 - NAMAH-Jan-2017
P. 28
Namah Vol. 24, Issue 4, 15th January 2017
1. The root chakra chakra is often associated with weakness in
digestion. On the other hand, when there is
When there is congestion of spoilt prana in excessive prana here the person can easily
the root chakra the person’s basic support become aggressive, manipulative or greedy.
system is disturbed, leading to survival However, when the prana in this chakra is
or self-esteem issues and the person may balanced, the person acts with confidence.
consider suicide as an option. Such effects There will be no tendency to bully or get
can be relieved by treating this chakra. When bullied.
it is properly done, it will totally change the
disposition of the person. The treatment has 4. The heart chakra
to be followed up with some corrections in
thinking and self-talk. This chakra is very sensitive to feelings. When
a person is carrying an emotional hurt, the
2. The sex chakra energy in this chakra will be less. A feeling of
rejection, of being treated unjustly, or of being
When there is a congestion of spoilt prana cheated drains away the energy of this chakra.
in the sex chakra there is an imbalance in The person feels uncared for, not valued or
sensual desires. In some people, it develops loved and can become insensitive towards
into gluttonous eating habits; some people others. When this deficiency persists, it gives
experience uncontrollable sexual desire rise to weakness or ailments in the heart and
and others develop a strong desire to be lungs. Excessive energy in this chakra makes
appreciated. A lack of prana here would a person very demonstrative in their feelings.
indicate that the person has lost his or her Sometimes they show a very vital behaviour.
charm and perhaps also has some sexually Whenever this chakra is properly energised,
related trouble. There may be a weakness the person becomes peaceful, gentle and
in the ovaries, testicles, rectum, bladder or caring. He or she does not feel emotionally
the small intestines. Excessive energy in dependent on others.
this chakra makes a person attractive, but
if this energy is not diverted to the higher 5. The throat chakra
chakras there is a tendency to veer towards
perversion. Hence, this chakra has to be This chakra governs our aesthetic sense and
treated carefully to balance the energy creative urges. When the energy of this chakra
here. There should be no deficiency or is balanced, the person has good expression,
excess. communication and creativity; and he or she
is able to work meticulously. When energy
3. The navel chakra is lacking in this chakra, the person usually
experiences frustration on some of these
When there is a lack of energy in this chakra, matters. A congestion of spoilt prana here
the person will lack self-confidence and has can make a person talkative, worried or over-
difficulty asserting himself. Such a person meticulous. It can also give rise to frequent
can easily get frustrated or recoil into a ailments in the mouth, ears, nose, throat or
‘protest mode’. Deficiency of prana in this neck.