Page 11 - NAMAH-Apr-2016
P. 11
Namah “Pain simply flows out” — insights on healing pain
the body … allow the entire weight of the body on and made her believe that this vomiting
to flow through the feet … connect to Mother sensation too would go once we had worked
Earth”. A simple instruction that helped to on the energies creating this sensation.
bring awareness back to the body, helped to Fortunately the nauseous sensation left her
relax the body and connect it to the Earth. soon. However, another layer of energies
As she was following these instructions, crept up, which made her cramp up. We tried
she revealed that she could visualise a dark many ways, but somehow nothing seemed
sticky fluid flowing out of her body into the to work and she was getting restless. I asked
earth. It was tenaciously stuck to her muscles, her if she believed in God and she replied,
and with much effort flowed out. After the “Yes”. I suggested, “Why don’t you offer these
session, she was surprised to feel her legs so energies to God?” After a few minutes, I could
light and free from pain after so many years. perceive the change. Later, she narrated that
She touched her legs, “They are so soft, I have she actually visualised a being taking away
never felt them so soft, they used to be like the darkness from her abdomen.
logs of wood”. This was, for me, the very first
experience where I saw pain represented in A remarkable transformation
the form of energy flowing out of the body.
After a couple of weeks another patient came,
Working with Alka patiently over the next a middle-aged lady with post-traumatic
few weeks revealed a complex play of headache. She had suffered from a road traffic
emotional and childhood memories that accident a couple of years back, wherein
had created the dark webs of emotions and she had sustained head injuries and even
trauma in her entire being — represented as lost consciousness for a few minutes. Ever
dark sticky energies in some parts and pitch since the accident she had been suffering
dark forces in other areas. However, once she from unbearable headaches which were not
was able to withdraw from the outer being responding to any drugs. The accident had
to some inner space, she was able to let these a serious impact on her psychologically; she
energies go out of her body. The experience developed a phobia for travelling in a car,
of these energies was a vivid one for her, and and even a simple act of crossing the road
so was the experience of relief from the pain became a huge task for her. All this was
equally real and tangible. affecting her everyday life; she was not able
to go out alone, could not pick up her children
She had also a serious problem with her from school and was largely confined to her
digestion and for the last few years had been home. When I met her the first time, she
on a liquid diet as she was not able to tolerate was accompanied by her brother, who did
any solid food. During one of our sessions, most of the talking on her behalf. She was
while we were working on her abdominal shy, a bundle of nerves and a bit difficult to
region, she could visualise dark tunnel-like communicate with. She did not understand
areas, which made her feel very sick. She English, nor could I understand her language.
was feeling nauseous and twice or thrice she I found it difficult to counsel her regarding
wanted to stop the session to go and vomit. her fears. I decided it would be best to work
For some reason, I requested her to hold directly with the body than through the mind.