Page 8 - NAMAH-Apr-2016
P. 8

Namah                                    Vol. 25, Issue 1, 24th April 2017

        exists in all, all exists by it, it is all (4).”  to be independent of the body, including the
                                                 brain. This postulate admits a paradoxical
        Oneness and multiplicity                 situation where the mind is independent of
                                                 the body yet interacts with the body. Does
        The Omnipresent Reality is not only rep-  that mean that the body is vulnerable and
        resented by the Being, but also by the  receptive to non-material forces? Not to be
        Becoming. The ‘spiritual mindset’ deals  cowed down by the leverage to non-material
        with Being in its purity and considers the  factors, neurophysiologists argue that the
        universe to be an unreal dream. The ‘material  non-material forces originate from matter
        mindset’ deals with the multiplicity of the  itself. It as if the nerves and hormones are
        Becoming and considers God and the Beyond  solely responsible for our creative thoughts,
        as illusory ideas. Both conceptions  are partial  intuitive ideas and creative potentials.
        representations of the essential Truth. The
        knowledge of Oneness (also called Vidya)  Both the Cartesian dualism and the scientific
        is equally important as the knowledge  postulate that consciousness is a by-product
        of the relative and multiple (also called  of matter  are based on partial knowledge.
        Avidya). Without Vidya, the knowledge of  The Upanissads are catholic enough to assert
        the multiplicity is “a night of darkness and  that this partial knowledge has  temporal
        a disorder of ignorance” and if multiplicity  relevance. It is through Avidya that
        is dismissed as unreal and non-existence,  the trajectory of progress crosses death.
        ‘Vidya’ becomes obscure and imperfect. This  Translated in material terms, this statement
        is the real meaning of the famous verse in the  is justified by the fact that the pursuit of the
        Isha Upanissad:                          variety and variability of the material world
                                                 has revealed the details of the manifestation
        “By the Ignorance they cross beyond Death  extending to the cellular and sub-atomic
        and by the Knowledge enjoy Immortality…(5)”  levels, a revelation that has helped to build
        (‘Ignorance’ is knowledge of multiplicity, of  the citadel of science, conquered the barriers
        the transient phenomena that constitutes the  of space and time and decreased  morbidity .
        universe, ‘knowledge’ is realisation of the
        Oneness, the essence).                   Yet the very fact that the knowledge of the
                                                 multiplicity is Avidya, the Great Ignorance,
        The realisation that the unity in existence  brings home the fact that it has its limitations
        is due to a oneness in essence that permits  and has to give way to wisdom, the perennial
        the variegated multiplicity gives credence  knowledge of the oneness, the Vidya which
        to the study of body and mind as having  the Upanissads assert to impart the enjoyment
        distinctive characteristics despite having a  of immortality. The realisation that  sub-
        commonality in consciousness. The Cartesian  atomic particles like leptons and quarks
        dualism essentially considers that the mind  cannot be subdivided further as they lapse
        and body are non-identical. The body which  into formlessness points to some underlying
        includes the brain is made of extended,  unitary substrate, an ethereal matrix or
        divisible substance while the mind is not.  consciousness. It must be a substrate with
        Even if they interact, the mind is considered  an essential oneness where the creation gets

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