Page 9 - NAMAH-Apr-2016
P. 9

Namah                                                       Editorial

        organised for manifestation. The bottoms-up  ‘Knowledge-Force’(known as Chit-SSakti in the
        approach to construct a model of reality can  Indian tradition). It is in this gestalt that the
        no longer stand ground, for ostensibly, the  human being manifests.
        foundation of all things appear to be in a
        flux, floating in an ether where no forms but  Reality is thus represented by an all-encomp-
        only impressions of movements remain. This  assing consciousness where the unitary essence
        is how when scientists could not visualise  does not belittle the multiplicity. Translated
        any further, they ascertained the presence  in practical terms in the domain of physical
        of sub-atomic particles by studying how  sciences, the exploration of the atomic
        protons (composed of quarks) got deflected  structure is as necessary as the appreciation
        when fired by electrons. Using this model,  of the primal ether in which all sub-atomic
        Nobel Laureates Friedman, Kendall and  particles lapse by becoming formless. In the
        Taylor revealed a new level of matter by  domain of health, the proliferation of multiple
        studying angles of scattered particles. The  specialist disciplines catering to different
        mystics had a more refined perception when  organ systems are important but can lose
        they described that the subtle transcripts in  relevance if it is not related to the well-being
        consciousness preceded the manifestation  that arises by being pivoted around what is
        of forms.                                the immortal essence in us. This is because
                                                 at the end, Reality is one and not a sum or
        Sri Aurobindo describes how consciousness  concourse.
        is simultaneously pluri-dimensional and
        integral. Moreover it is also simultaneously  References
        transcendental, universal and individual.
        The Supreme creative consciousness is    1.   Sri Aurobindo. Birth Centenary Library, Volume
        situated in the Transcendental plane, where   18. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust;
        creative ‘Real-Ideas’ are programmed.      1970, p.33.
        These are supramental archetypal ideas that
        have in-built energy for execution and are   2. Sri Aurobindo. Essays Divine and Human.
        translated as transcripts in the universal   Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust;
        consciousness from where they materialise   1994, p. 196
        into individual forms. If the Supreme creative
        consciousness is at one end of the spectrum   3.  Ibid., p. 195.
        of consciousness, the material world is at
        another end of the continuum. In between lies   4.  Ibid., p. 194.
        the whole range of consciousness organised
        as planes, energy-substrates and matrices of   5. Sri Aurobindo. SABCL, Volume 12. 1971, p.66.

                                                                       — Dr. Soumitra Basu

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