Page 36 - NAMAH-Apr-2016
P. 36
Namah Vol. 25, Issue 1, 24th April 2017
mushroom. Each item was PDM-tested, at The IBEF vial, consisting of the eight core-
pre-post intervals, ie. before and after IBEF elements, was next induced into the fitness
exposure. centre. It was accomplished with an application
of the Nambudripad Allergy Elimination
3. IBEF energy field Technique (NAET) — designed to clear/
An energy field referred to as Integral Bio- eliminate allergies linked to bio-incompatible
Energetic Field (IBEF) had previously been substances or conditions. Major aspects of
created, sustained, and verified at a local fitness NAET are summarised in Appendix 3.
centre in northern California. Designed to
promote healing and wellness, the energy Two characteristics of IBEF’s energy field may
field also has been shown to facilitate food be pointed out, as shown by prior studies
detoxification. (4). First, it was found that IBEF becomes
inactive after a one-month period — thereby
Stages for the development and creation of requiring a reset for re-activation. The reset
IBEF are reviewed in Appendices 3-7. More procedure is described in Appendix 6.
detailed aspects were described in a prior
NAMAH article (2). Second, it has been demonstrated that IBEF’s
energy field can extend up to about a 5-mile
In order to create IBEF, a multi-dimensional radius from the IBEF centre. However, a
vial had first to be generated — it was simple procedure is required to facilitate
accomplished by an organisation specialising the extension, as summarised in Appendix 7.
in these services, Allergies Life-Style & Health
Company (ALH) (3). As a complex component, Initial sub-study
the IBEF vial incorporates a combination of
eight core-elements. These were initially The first sub-study focused on two food
identified by the investigator, using Question- samples, consisting of organic and inorganic
Response-Testing (QRT); its procedure is items — bought at a supermarket within the
described in Appendix 2. vicinity of the IBEF centre. The food samples
were obtained during the period while a reset
Examples of the vial’s core-elements include for IBEF was required, i.e., its energy field
such dimensions as: remained inactive.
1. Bringing about and maintaining a harmonious During this inactive period, PDM-testing
Brain-Body Field (BBF) — a balanced flow of the two food samples disclosed a diff-
between mental, emotional, and physical erential between them. Namely, the organic
energy bodies; foods showed no degree of toxicity (non-
2. Eliminating allergies, involving reactivity reactive/strong), whereas the inorganic
to any bio-incompatible substance; foods manifested a slight degree of toxicity
3. Removing excess toxicity, as needed, in (reactive/weak). The latter toxicity may be
the physical body; attributed to trace amounts of pesticide,
4. Dispelling pathogens, including any as indicated by PDM-testing with a vial
bacteria, virus, fungus or parasites. sensitized for pesticide.