Page 37 - NAMAH-Apr-2016
P. 37
Namah Collective bio-energetics: food detoxification — II
Prior to the study’s next stage, a reset food items were non-toxic, whereas the
procedure was applied — as a result, IBEF’s inorganic foods revealed a slight degree of
energy field became re-activated. toxicity, due to trace amounts of pesticide.
Thereafter, the above PDM-testing was For the next stage, the two sets were brought
repeated. This time, the PDM results showed within the vicinity of the IBEF centre, and
no differential between the organic and again PDM-tested. This time, the testing
inorganic food samples, i.e., there was no indicated non-toxicity for both the organic
measurable degree of toxicity for either food and inorganic food samples.
set. Presumably, the inorganic food sample
was, in effect, detoxified subsequent to its Conclusion
exposure to the IBEF energy field.
The two sub-studies can be said to confirm
For additional verification on two occasions, IBEF’s detoxification effect, involving the
the investigator randomly PDM-tested a wide inorganic food samples. It would appear
variety other than the samples specified that IBEF’s vibration field, with its eight
above — of organic vs. inorganic food items core elements, brought about the effect. On a
at the same supermarket. During his first higher level, I presume that the detoxification
visit, IBEF required a reset, i.e., was inactive. dynamics for both sub-studies manifested
PDM-testing at that time revealed again within the realm of the Integral Yoga, as
differentials between the two food samples, enabled by the Grace of the Divine Mother.
the inorganic foods showing a slight degree
of toxicity, due to trace amounts of pesticide. References
By the time of the second visit, the IBEF
reset had been accomplished. Thereupon, 1. Seckel JP. Creating a healing atmosphere
the differential obtained with PDM-testing within centres and for a spiritual community:
for the two food sets was no longer evident an investigative study — I. NAMAH April 2015;
– the inorganic food sample did not indicate 23 (1): 22.
a degree of toxicity.
2. Seckel JP. Creating a healing atmosphere
Second sub-study within centres and for a spiritual community:
an investigative study — II. NAMAH July 2015;
The second sub-study again focused on the 23 (2): 26-34.
above two types of organic and inorganic
food samples; however, these food sets were 3. Allergies, Lifestyle & Health [Online]. Available
bought at a supermarket located over 5 miles from, FAQ [Accessed 11th
distant from the IBEF centre, i.e., beyond its April, 2015].
extended IBEF energy field.
4. Seckel JP. Creating a healing atmosphere
To obtain baseline data, the two food samples within centres and for a spiritual community:
were initially PDM-tested at the distant an investigative study — III. NAMAH October
supermarket. As found above, the organic 2015; 23 (3): 38-40.