Page 39 - NAMAH-Apr-2016
P. 39
Namah Collective bio-energetics: food detoxification — II
The basic NAET procedure involves a series It is of interest that PDM-testing of the
of PDM muscle tests. Throughout these steps, IBEF vial would ordinarily reveal reactivity
the patient holds a water-filled vial which (weak muscle response) only within the IBEF
was electronically sensitized for a given centre, but not outside or nearby (strong
substance, a potential allergen. Using PDM, response). This finding can be said to verify
the practitioner determines whether or not the presence of IBEF’s healing atmosphere
the patient is allergic to the designated vial within the centre. However, the vibration can
substance. The subsequent treatment mainly be extended by using a special procedure, as
applies configurations of acupressure points explained in Appendix 7.
along the patient’s thoracic and lumbar
vertebrae. Appendix 5: Induction of IBEF Vial
Following development of the IBEF vial, the
Overall aspects of the NAET procedure are next step was to induce its vibration into a
described in a prior NAMAH article (5). It is centre in order to create the IBEF healing
noteworthy that peer-reviewed, experimental atmosphere. As mentioned earlier, the
studies have consistently proven NAET’s procedure for this induction was detailed in
effectiveness, as detailed in NAET research a prior NAMAH article (7).
journals (6).
IBEF was first induced for a fitness centre
Appendix 4: IBEF Vial located in northern California (NC). Later
As stated above, IBEF is generated by utilising on, it was induced for four additional centres,
a complex water-filled vial – produced by including an Integral Yoga Ashram. More-
subjecting the water molecules to vibrations over, IBEF was also induced for the Integral
of electrical impulses (VEI) with a special Yoga community of Auroville in southern
apparatus. The VEI thereby rearranges the India.
electrical pattern of the molecules to be in
synergy with the bio-energetic pattern of The foregoing IBEF activations were verified
given substance(s) or allergen(s). by means of two research designs. One of
these involved pre-post testing with PDM
It is of interest that PDM-testing would have using the above core vial, so as to verify IBEF
shown the same result if, instead of holding existence at the centres and at Auroville.
the vial, the patient had held the actual
allergen/substance. The resulting PDM-tests showed that: a)
before the induction, there was no reactivity;
As mentioned above, a leading organisation and, b) after the induction, the tests indicated
for producing the bio-energetic vials is consistent reactivity, confirming IBEF existence.
Allergies,Lifestyle, and Health Company (AHL).
The investigator requested AHL to generate The second research design employed pre-
a multi-dimensional vial, for the creation of post testing of 53 case-study subjects – before
IBEF. The resulting vial consists of seven core- and after their IBEF exposure. PDM-testing
elements, which he had initially identified by prior to exposure indicated that every subject
means of muscle-testing. needed at least one healing for an allergy