Page 38 - NAMAH-Apr-2016
P. 38

Namah                                    Vol. 25, Issue 1, 24th April 2017

        5. Seckel JP. Creating a healing atmosphere — I:   is holding a water-filled vial. The vial’s
          25-9.                                  water had been electronically sensitized, its
                                                 molecular vibration corresponding to the
        6.  The Journal of NAET, Energetics and Complementary  frequency of the substance to be tested. For
          Medicine 2005-2009; Vol. 1-9.          the testing, normal muscle strength indicates
                                                 a non-allergic response — by comparison,
        7. Seckel JP. Creating a healing atmosphere — II:    a degree of weakness indicates an allergic
          29-30.                                 reaction, or response to the presence of a bio-
                                                 incompatible substance/condition.
        8. Seckel JP. Creating a healing atmosphere —
          III: 40-1.                             The validity of vial testing can be verified,
                                                 as follows. If instead of testing the vial, the
        9.  Ibid., : 39-40.                      actual substance were tested, the same result
                                                 – allergic vs. non-allergic reaction — would
        10. Ibid., : 38-39.                      have been obtained.

        Appendices: establishing IBEF            In addition, a form of self-muscle testing,
                                                 known as Question-Response Testing,
        In order to create, sustain and verify IBEF  (QRT), can be employed. It involves: a)
        existence at a centre, several preparatory  asking a specific health-related question; b)
        phases were required – these are summarised  receiving a relative muscle-strength answer,
        below in Appendices 1-7.                 indicating ‘Yes’ (strong) or ‘No’ (weak).  The
                                                 QRT muscle-testing can be done by pressing
        Appendix 1: Divine Guidance              the tip of the middle-finger upon the top of
        In the spirit of Integral Yoga, I first ask the  the index finger (above the nail), thereby
        Divine Mother for Guidance and Grace  determining relative muscle strength.
        toward creating the IBEF healing atmosphere.
        As a devotee of the Integral Yoga of Sri  Appendix 3: NAET – Allergy elimination
        Aurobindo and the Mother, the practitioner  As a major functional component of IBEF,
        would be an aspirant toward a higher  the Nambudripad Allergy Elimination
        consciousness, familiar with and dedicated  Technique (NAET) facilitates application of
        to their Yoga teachings.                 IBEF’s eight core elements.  Based largely
                                                 on principles of Oriental Medicine, NAET
        Appendix 2: PDM- and QRT-Testing         is not only a method for detecting and
        To create IBEF, detect its presence and verify  clearing allergies.  Its scope is broader —
        the effects, Pre-Determined Muscle Testing  employing measures of reactivity to detect
        (PDM) derived from Applied Kinesiology,  and clear bio-incompatible substances
        as referred to above, is utilised.       and related types of energetic imbalance.
                                                 Thus, its PDM-testing includes reactivity to
        To conduct PDM-testing, the practitioner  pathogens, toxic elements, imbalanced body
        presses gently on the recipient’s down-  components, as well as allergic response to
        turned wrist, arm extended, while the latter  another person.

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