Page 26 - NAMAH-Oct-2017
P. 26
Taking charge
James Anderson
Having order and control in our lives is a human necessity but humanity resorts to ego for the solution.
The ego provides a very superficial answer and is ultimately a major cause of failure and dissatisfaction.
The path of growth offers greater challenges but much richer rewards. It is about knowing ourselves in
entirety and the key is consciousness. The author shares some experiences.
Introduction journey begins and he looks for a means of
more authentic control. He needs to find the
There comes a time when all of us feel true source of individual power. The irony
the need to take charge of our lives. The is, once he takes charge and finally accesses
demand is there, always in the background, a means of self-mastery, he has to give it
from early infancy. It starts with the urge all up and allow an even higher power to
to take charge of external circumstances. take up his being. It is a divine process and
Eventually however, we come to realise with this surrender, his power becomes
that the only way to do this is by taking magnified into the Infinite. The charge is
charge of one’s self. But when faced by this taken out of our hands and the perception
question, our knee-jerk reaction is to resort of individuality becomes an irrelevance.
to ego. This may appear to work for a while,
but soon the solution becomes part of an Ego
even bigger problem. The only way to truly
take charge of our lives is by taking charge There is a time when the ego helps us. Most
of our nature, but which is so riddled with people however, it has to be said, rely upon it
ego that we have to resort to something almost exclusively throughout the course of
totally independent from it. A disinterested their lives. It might even be their only point
attitude truly helps: if your aim is motivated of reference. The child from an early age
by true progress and not ego, one is bound relies upon it in order to get its demands
to move forward much quicker. So faced met. The adult depends upon it to climb
with this impasse, the human being is the social ladder. And so it goes on. The
forced to look deeper. This is where his true ego shapes and moulds every aspect of