Page 27 - NAMAH-Oct-2017
P. 27

Namah                                                  Taking charge

        human existence. Through this minuscule  dawn through a growing awareness. In
        power a thousand and one things need to  others, the urge may be prompted by a crisis
        be controlled. The task is too demanding  or misfortune. Indeed, the catalyst for me
        and one may find one’s life soon spiralling  was illness although the realisation took
        out of control. The ego is simply not capable  many years to sink in. I guess that everyone
        of juggling so many balls in the air. This is a  is different. So this article is directed at
        godsend because eventually the performance  those whose time has come.
        has to end and when it does, the individual
        looks finally for something deeper in his  Becoming conscious
        or her being.
                                                 The first step in this process is to become
        In truth though, with virtually everyone,  conscious. “But for this one must work a
        the ego is never totally relinquished. For  little within oneself. One must withdraw from
        many, the necessity is never recognised,   the surface (2).” One has to know oneself.
        while for some an uneasy arrangement  This means reversing the entire orientation
        between ego and soul is drawn which has  of one’s consciousness. This reversal is
        to be continuously readjusted throughout  invariably a gradual process because a
        every lifetime. There are different levels  whole legacy of habit has to be reversed too.
        of adjustment varying with each one’s  It is a time of herculean effort. Here, in many
        progress and evolution. Vanquishing the  respects, one might feel oneself  even less ’in
        ego is a long-term process. If the balance  charge’ than ever before as one finds oneself
        goes awry and tilts towards ego, there is a  oscillating uncertainly between a duality of
        sense of greyness and dullness, a feeling of  extremes. A foundation needs to be built
        depletion and dissatisfaction. The degree  and a start must be made. It was only self-
        of control is very flimsy when one finds  giving that saved me from oblivion when
        oneself in this condition. Most people seem  I embarked on this stage. Sometimes I felt
        to meander through their lives in this sterile  that a single gust of wind might have been
        state; they never truly address the question.  enough to destroy these tiny beginnings
        In truth, the necessity will never be faced  but thankfully there was a strand of faith
        when the soul is not ready.              that told me that self-giving was the best
                                                 way forward and protection. Nevertheless
        “Almost totally, everybody lives on the  I found myself rotating frequently between
        surface, all the time, all the time on the surface.  the different poises of tapasyaa and surrender
        And for them it’s even the only thing which  from the beginning, although I had fixed
        exists — the surface (1).”               on surrender as the basis of all my future
        Meanwhile other souls are ripening and so
        a jolt might come. It is a wake-up call and  The sign that a decisive shift has been
        should be interpreted as a sign of being  achieved comes when we find ourselves
        ‘called’. The individual has then to rise up  pulled out into the outer consciousness for
        to a higher life or forfeit his or her destiny.   one reason or another. These interruptions
        Sometimes the necessity for change may  are very frequent and can extend over long

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