Page 16 - NAMAH-Apr-2018
P. 16

Namah                                    Vol. 26, Issue 1, 24th April 2018

        being, wholly attuned to and aligned with   supermanhood (6).”
        the highest divine principles, inhabiting a
        unified, continuous self-awareness, having  A meditative practice of stilling the mind,
        shed all attachment to a personal ego, persona  opening the heart, immersed in self-awareness
        or mask. The gnostic being lives in an  is one of a handful of powerful practices that
        uninterrupted relationship with the ‘Trinity  can be used as a compass on this psycho-
        of Spirit’, understood in Hindu theology as  spiritual quest. Arriving at these levels of
        Sat (Existence), Cit (Consciousness-Force),  evolution was not for Sri Aurobindo a product
        Enanda (Bliss), loosely analogous to the  of fervid imagination, but rather a real and
        Christian concept of the Father, the Son  inevitable destination; man’s potential made
        and the Holy Ghost. In his gnostic state,  manifest.
        man’s indwelling conscious Self mirrors the
        transcendental reality of the cosmic Spirit.  It may be mentioned that the Integral Yoga
                                                 of Sri Aurobindo is not a yoga of meditation
        “The gnosis is the effective principle of the Spirit,  alone. It is an intense, all-comprehensive yoga
        a highest dynamis of the spiritual existence. The  where all the parts of the being engage in this
        gnostic individual would be the consummation  seeking and fulfilment by the touch of the
        of the spiritual man; his whole way of being,  higher planes. Such a discussion is however
        thinking, living, acting would be governed by  well beyond the scope of this article which is
        the power of a vast universal spirituality. All  concentrated on meditative practices.
        the trinities of the Spirit would be real to his
        self-awareness and realised in his inner life. All  Conclusion
        his existence would be fused into oneness with
        the transcendent and universal Self and Spirit;  In this work, we have investigated the various
        all his action would originate from and obey  benefits derived from meditation and its
        the supreme Self and Spirit’s divine governance  impact on our physical, mental and psycho-
        of Nature (5).”                          spiritual transformation. Its benefits range
                                                 from increased concentration; improved
        In the following quote, Sri Aurobindo’s  health; emotional well-being; accessing
        depiction of the gnostic man, possessed  psychological blocks; touching the divinity
        by a super-mental awareness, takes us to  within; evolution in ego-moral development;
        the farthest frontiers conceivable in man’s  up to the entry into the highest levels of
        evolution, up to this point in human history.  spiritual/transpersonal states. Indeed,
                                                 its applications are vast; from practical to
        “A life of gnostic beings carrying the evolution  spiritual; from personal to transpersonal;
        to a higher supramental status might fitly be  from a method of self-improvement to a
        characterised as a divine life; for it would be  vehicle of self-transcendence. Whether in
        a life in the Divine, a life of the beginnings  our day-to-day experiences or in the depths
        of a spiritual divine light and power and joy  of deep meditation retreats, meditation assists
        manifested in material Nature. That might be  wherever it finds us, leading us to the next
        described, since it surpasses the mental human  rung of our personal evolution. And as
        level, as a life of spiritual and supramental  each drop of water comprises the totality

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