Page 23 - NAMAH-Jul-2018
P. 23

Namah                       Heal yourself by changing your consciousness

        craving that you feel you must satisfy anyhow?  After the event has passed the emotion will
        If the answer is ‘yes’, then you are carrying  continue. So you have to close the matter. You
        negative emotions in your subconscious. And  have to let go of the emotion in the same way as
        such emotions will obsess you and make you  you switch off the light when you leave a room.
        moody, gloomy or irritable.              Note: if you allow the grudge or reaction to
                                                 continue or if you try to justify having the
        How do we accumulate such emotional garbage?  reaction, the emotion will get sticky.

        When somebody misbehaves with us, rejects  Exercise-4: release suppressed emotions
        us or lets us down, we become emotional.
        Soon afterwards, we cover up the emotion  a. Suppressed emotions always wear a disguise.
        and consider that it has gone. However, it  Hence, the first task is to identify the emotion
        has not gone. It has only slipped into the  and get a hold on it. Ask yourself: has someone
        subconscious and now it continues to live there!  disappointed or hurt you, and do you still hold a
        And from there it maintains our complexes,  grudge against this person?  It may be a parent,
        our lop-sided opinions and our personal  a relative, a boss, a partner or whatever. (Note:
        get-even agenda. Every now and then the  here you take the support of an image of the
        emotion surges up into the surface mind and  person. However, you are not releasing that
        expresses itself as our irrational impulses and  person. You are releasing something within
        emotional outbursts.                     you that you have associated with that person.)

        Since childhood we have been tucking  b. Next, recall the emotion. Allow the feeling of
        away our unfulfilled desires, protests and  bitterness to surface. (If you do this properly,
        dissatisfactions into the subconscious. Hence,  you will feel it.)
        this emotional garbage has accumulated. And
        now it is making us rigid, psychological and  c. Then dry the wet (sticky) stuff. You can do
        reactive. The troublesome part is that we  it by re-considering the matter in a balanced
        cannot see the contents of our subconscious  way. (Notice the part or role you played in
        clearly. Hence, these bugs can go unnoticed  that happening. Consider that there was
        and continue to act for a lifetime!      nothing personal in the matter; and that if a
                                                 similar situation should arise you may also
        Here we classify the emotional garbage into  make the same mistake.)
        two types: The dry stuff, which is like our
        regrets and painful memories; and the wet  d. Now come into the present: notice that the
        stuff which is like our jealousy, suppressed  situation has gone, but you are still carrying
        anger and revenge. The wet stuff is sticky  the emotion. As a result your mind is agitated
        and so it is much harder to eliminate.   and your responses are disturbed. (You
                                                 must feel the need to release the emotion.
        Exercise-3: avoid accumulating emotional garbage  Otherwise you cannot push it out.)

        Whenever something happens that causes a  e. Then, throw out the emotion. Say: “The
        strong reaction in you, deal with it consciously.  situation has gone and the emotion is a ‘left-

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