Page 24 - NAMAH-Oct-2018
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Namah Vol. 26, Issue 3, 15th October 2018
to be launched at Coimbatore, south India, 3. Hay J. Transactional Analysis for Trainers. Watford,
is an initiative to offer support and guidance UK: Sherwood Publishing;1996, p. 204.
to mothers through different strands. The
pregnancy-parenting programme is based 4. Clarke JI, Dawson C. Growing Up Again: Parenting
on the connectedness model and endorses Ourselves, Parenting Our Children. Center City,
the role of mothers as conscious and willing USA: Hazelden Foundation; 1998, p. 212, pp.
participants in the journey of motherhood. It 218-220.
is designed to facilitate mindful practices that
are advocated by tradition and behavioural 5. Brotherton I. Attachment Theory: Retrospect
sciences to provide a richness of experience. and Prospect. In Eds. Bretherton I, Waters F.
ANAHATA can be termed as a wellness Growing points of attachment theory and research:
initiative that endorses the concept of the Monographs of the Society for Research in Child
joy and magnificence of conscious parenting. Development; 50 (1-2, Serial No. 209): 3-35.
References 6. The Mother. Collected Works of the Mother, Volume
2. Cent ed. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram
1. Wilcox EW. Preparation, Custer and Other Poems. Trust; 1978, p. 68.
Whitefish MT, USA: Kessinger Publishing, 2003;
p. 92. 7. Temple S. Functional Fluency Model, Functional
Fluency for Transactional Analysis. TAJ July
2. Sri Aurobindo. The Speaking Tree, Weblog. [Online] 1999; 29 (3): 164-74.
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allslides/quotes-of-aurobindo/226668 (Quote 8. Kohn SC. You are here. Boston USA: Shambala;
number 35). Accessed 1st September 2018. 2010, p. 55.
Nalini Shanmugam is an educationist and founder-collaborator, Chitra Arumugasami and
Nithya Prabhurajh are collaborators and programme coordinators of Auramirra Centre for Wellness
and Holistic practices at Coimbatore, south India.