Page 21 - NAMAH-Oct-2018
P. 21

Namah                                   Pre-natal consciousness and care

        connects to purpose and understands the  truly that her consciousness is the first
        importance of making informed and spiritual  crucible within which the consciousness of
        choices. It would be highly beneficial if she  the child develops that she brings in a joyous
        moves out of the ambit of limiting and  discipline to her practices in caring for the
        atavistic beliefs, ushers in an expansiveness  child and remaining vigilant.
        and nurtures her growing soul in the light of
        a vastness of possibilities. The mother must be  Skills and integration
        conscious not to be receptive to any messages  Once one gets established in one’s true identity,
        or preconditioned notions that might prove  there comes an openness and receptivity to
        toxic to the well-being of her child. Holding  acquire and integrate whatever skills in terms of
        onto and nurturing ideas that a baby’s  fine-tuning the mental, physical and emotional
        looks or complexion must conform to what  aspects of being by building calmness and
        others consider to be ideal throws an unkind  resilience, letting go of restricting attitudes
        and toxic shadow on the beauty of the inner  or behaviour and be able to organise the
        landscape in which the baby develops. Gender  thought-currents in sync with intention.
        preferences too are subtle ways of imposing
        a violence of conviction that robs the inner  The mother must commit herself to practice
        environment of its beauty and generosity  mindfulness in thought, words and action,
        of inclusiveness. Care in its unalloyed form  which consolidate into beautiful living
        must embrace unconditionality.           moments and this integrality would usher
                                                 in a harmony conducive to the well-being of
        Identity                                 both. It is an evolutionary process where all
        Understanding one’s role in terms of mother-  life values come to be heightened, paving the
        hood as a custodian of life, a soul in evolution  way for rolling out a map of care.
        and what it entails in terms of responsibilities
        in the light of conscious parenting, especially  The concept of essentials in an offering
        at the pre-natal stage is very crucial. What
        touches the mother through vibration touches  There is a beautiful expression that expounds
        the baby in the womb... experiences, joy,  the beauty of purity in the act of offering
        stress, delight, anxiety, nurturance….   food to the Divine in a spirit of consecration.
                                                 It lists three essentials: that is, ‘paatrassuddhi,
        Understanding her role and identity from a  (purity of the vessel — the physical),
        deep perspective initiates her to build up the  padaarthassuddhi (purity of the ingredients
        skills, fortitude, resilience and attitude that  — the mental) and bharrassuddhi (purity
        are required for integration.            and beauty of attitude — the vital). We
                                                 have used this analogy to underline the
        Seen in the light of Sri Aurobindo and Mother’s  importance of these three aspects in pre-
        view of motherhood, it would be the greatest  natal care.
        gesture on the part of the mother if she were
        to understand the potency of the water droplet  Widening the horizon of care
        that can transform into a pearl and her role in
        nurturing it. It is only when she acknowledges  By widening the horizon of perspectives, the

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