Page 20 - NAMAH-Oct-2018
P. 20
Namah Vol. 26, Issue 3, 15th October 2018
application. We consider the application of decisions about trust and developing all
this concept of sailing through the different body-systems to their full potential (4). It
stages of becoming, being, doing, thinking, identity, finds its resonance in the ‘attachment theory’
skills and integration in the current context of ‘, formulated by John Bowlby, which defines
parenting. attachment as a set of internal behaviours that
cause the infant to become closely related to
Becoming the mother. It is believed that attachment
The pre-natal stage is akin to building blocks, starts during pregnancy and this is the real
and one that prepares the soil for the child starting-point for the foetus’ dialogue with his
to blossom to his utmost possibilities during or her surrounding world (5). Studies have
the other stages of development. shown that it has an important role in the
health of the foetus and the pregnant mother.
Jean Illsley Clarke has underlined the importance
of the pre-natal stage and has presented a Needless to say that attachment through
contour of the developmental tasks and the acknowledgement and unconditional love
affirmations that need to be bequeathed to becomes the psychological umbilical cord
the child at the pre-natal stage to address his/ providing the much needed support and
her psychological needs so as to facilitate the care. As the child assimilates this climate of
child to grow into his /her full potential. In her nurturance and love it is believed that it sows
work, Growing up Again, she has christened a sense of trust in the child and strengthens
this stage as ‘Becoming’. Clarke has added this the bond with the mother.
stage, one that merits focus , as a preceding
phase to Levin’s original theory ,‘Cycles of Being
Development’. It states that the environment This is a crucial stage in the trajectory of
of the womb is largely influenced and psychological and physical wellness of the
constructed by the relationship experience of mother ... to bask in the warmth of love,
the mother with herself, with her mind, body security, acceptance, aspiration and the glow
and emotions and with the world around, of a simple trust and faith... for a lacunae in
and her attitude towards and attachment this stage may manifest itself as a deficit in
to the baby. We may extend its contour to her emotional wellness and may block the
include her relationship with her aspiration. energy and enthusiasm that animates living
moments. As Levin notes, “… this is a time
As the baby journeys through the usual phases to gather strength, to build energy in order to
and blossoms into a full-term infant, he or she reach the capacity to move into action”. It is a
becomes “ready to grow to full potential... the significant stage during periods of change or
new being is making life-supporting decisions...”, growth. Any sense of insecurity may interfere
states Clarke. in the way the mother transacts with herself
or with the baby. She must learn to seek
The development trajectory includes important support and stay in a positive vibrational mode.
developmental tasks as outlined by her. These
include accepting nourishment, gaining Thinking
familiarity with the mother, making deep This is an important phase where the mother