Page 26 - NAMAH-Oct-2018
P. 26

Namah                                  Vol. 26, Issue 3, 15th October 2018

        and try to find a solution. But we do not want   “That someone has stolen our tent.”
        to think badly of anyone. So it is best not to
        mention names, but to just state the traits that  Now we will all be detectives, not romantics, and
        are pertinent to the discussion. Another request  try to guess the emotions of people we see in
        to participants is that none of the personal  these clippings. The clippings are emotionally
        stories be repeated outside of the classrooms,  charged but do not have too many conversations.
        since it may embarrass the persons involved.  Participants have to guess the background
        Participants may discuss if they would like to  story of the scene and explain why the actors
        add to these rules for their group.      behave as they do, what they feel, overtly
                                                 and covertly. Each participant gets a chance
        Here are some learning-aids: journaling and  to speak. We will discuss choice of words,
        goal-setting. Writing down what you have  body language and postures.
        learnt is common knowledge, and we all know
        how it works to refresh our memories. But  Role-playing is an important tool for self-
        writing down here is crucial to our progress.  healing. Behaviours can change our attitudes,
        The power of intention is like warming up  and attitudes can change our beliefs. The
        before a race, so write down what you would  Behaviourist school of thought endorses this
        like to achieve. You can be as precise as  through countless experiments. Cognitive
        possible by using exact numbers and dates.  therapists start from the other end and say
        For example, in two months you want to reduce  thoughts create shifts in behaviour. Both are
        your anger outbursts by half. Or it can be  true. A pattern may work for a certain person
        qualitative, like you want to focus on listening  in a certain situation, but another pattern may
        for as long as it takes you to master it. This  be needed elsewhere. We will use them both
        journal is also helpful in writing down action  to our advantage.
        plans. These are concrete behaviour goals
        you want to implement. Suppose you want  There is a take-home project that participants
        to drink more water, your action plan may  will have to present in the following session.
        be to keep a note of how many glasses you  In the next session we will discuss various
        drink in a day. Teaming up with others to  kinds of emotions. Each one will act out their
        remind each other, or keeping count for each  emotions, and others will guess it. The actor
        other, is a good plan too. Every two months  can use his face alone, or his entire body, or
        we will reflect on how the training is going  some prop, or use someone else, or read out
        and if we want to make changes to it.    some conversation. Each one should prepare
                                                 at least one subtle emotion in addition to
        Topic 2: Emotional Intelligence          common ones.

        Sherlock Holmes awoke Watson and asked him,  We will start the session by presenting
        “Watson, what do you see?”               the performance of emotions that was the
        Watson looked up and said, “I see a beautiful  homework from the last session. Each one
        starry night.”                           gets a chance to guess the emotion presented.
        “And what do you conclude from it?”      We will then discuss differences of opinion.
        “That it will not rain tonight. What about you?”  For children this can be done in teams and

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