Page 31 - NAMAH-Oct-2018
P. 31

Namah                                       Emotional Literacy Training

        of opposing propensities to form sixteen  the favour returned.
        personality types. This was proposed by Carl
        Jung and developed by Isabel Briggs Myers.  Optimists/pessimist: the glass half-full and
        The four pairs are:                      half-empty people.

        Introvert or Extrovert: I or E. This is how a  Maximisers/satisfiers: maximisers try to
        person directs their energy. Intuitive or Sensing:  get the most from any situation. They can be
        N or S. This is how a person perceives. Intuitive  perfectionists, never happy, ever regretting
        people use their sixth sense. Sensing people use  the choice they left out. But not weighing
        their objective sense organs.            options makes them dissatisfied, so they are
                                                 compelled to delay decision-making. Satisfiers
        Feeling or Thinking: F or T. This is how a  make quick practical decisions and don’t look
        person processes information. Feeling people  back at the options they left out. They know
        understand others with respect to how they  they have not optimised, so have not got the
        feel. Thinking people use logic.         best, and they accept it. The lengthy decision-
                                                 making process and perfectionism are stressful
        Judging or Perceiving: J or P. This is how a  to them.
        person implements information. Judging people
        are organised and stick to their plans. Perceiving  Multipliers/Diminishers: multipliers are those
        people decide on the fly.The various personality  who enable others to perform their best. They
        types are ESTJ, INFP and so on.          motivate, provide support, step back when
                                                 necessary. Diminishers discourage, remind
        Dr Helen Fisher’s scheme says neuro-transmitters  others they are the best, withhold information,
        and hormones determine our personality  add roadblocks for others.
        types. When we are dominated by dopamine,
        we are Explorers — impulsive, curious, on the  Participants will brainstorm on what the world
        run. With testosterone, we become Directors  would be if a certain personality trait were
        — analytical, assertive, aggressive. With  missing, say the rajasic nature, or the Intuitive
        oestrogen/oxytocin we are Negotiators —  people. We will go into practical details such
        trusting, generous, bonding. When driven by  as which social function would be missing,
        serotonin we are Builders — social, cautious,  which profession would suffer the most. This
        compliant.                               will make us understand how it takes all sorts
                                                 to make a world.
        The personality types described above do not
        have any value judgement attached to them.  Topic 7: Inter-personal relationships
        They are neither good nor bad, but reflect
        human diversity. In contrast, the behavioural  People we interact with affect us immensely.
        classifications below have a distinct good or  College roommates use the same phrases
        bad flavour to them.                     and expressions. Couples mirror each other’s
                                                 feelings so well that the lines on their faces,
        Givers/takers/matchers: those who help,  created by emotions, are formed alike. When
        those who take help, those who help but expect  we are around happy people, we loop in and

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