Page 37 - NAMAH-Oct-2018
P. 37
Namah Reversing anger through Integral Yoga
we meet reflects some aspect of a reality that there are triggers fixed inside me that can
is imprinted deep inside ourselves. We may easily convert the unease into something
find some living in such a state of irritability much more damaging. We have to be very
that, when a certain button is pressed, an watchful. These triggers are buried deep
outburst will automatically occur. inside our subconscious. If the habit is allowed
to persist, every time we ‘see red’ we become
Many of us are so unaware of our inner a slave to this disturbing force.
movements that we feel helpless against
their continual appearance. The consequences The solution
of chronic anger are well known and the
problem bites deep into our physical health. It When practising Integral Yoga, we adopt two
has almost become an inevitable consequence movements that act as a panacea for every
of modern living. Over the centuries it has difficulty we face in daily life. The Mother
become a fixed societal and cultural pattern speaks about the art of ‘stepping back’ in
and a standard defence-mechanism. It has this very issue (see page 4). Surely, this is a
solidified over time and buried its roots definitive solution for everyday living. By
into every facet of our existence. The state stepping back, we disengage from the drama
is highly contagious and, if directed back at and, if we are connected, we are in the perfect
us, not many can claim to be unmoved by its station to look at everything in a truer light.
onslaught. Anger is so powerful its waves We step back not only from the play outside
can possess nations and continents, so what but also from the reaction that is trying to
hope does the solitary individual ever have? arise from inside. When we witness the
phenomenon from this perspective the truth
It is the individual, however, who dons the behind the drama starts to come forward. In
mantle for true change. Everyone has the this passage, the Mother describes beautifully
opportunity to look closely inside. If not, anger its way of dissipating the effect of anger.
can get engrained and become a constant This process truly cleanses the atmosphere
feature of the ‘personality’. Once the roots in everyone involved — not least ourselves!
are established, the ‘character’ rarely changes. The second movement arises from an attitude
It takes a monumental effort to change the of surrender. We offer everything, good or
momentum. This is where yoga steps in. bad, to a higher power. It works very well
The ‘impossibility’ has to change. The first in tandem with the movement of stepping
necessity is to watch our movements because back. Offering can be done always. Anger,
unless we remain attentive, anger will become like everything, can be added very effectively
habitual. We have to be conscious of every to the sacrificial fire. It is more potent if done
groove in our nature. when the memory is still fresh inside. We
should aim to always close the gap between
I have noticed the tendency inside myself. outbreak and offering. With practice, offering
I have found that when placed in front of a becomes an instantaneous response. It is poise
particular person or subjected to a particular as well as action. It is only the Divine who
circumstance or situated even in a particular can reshape every distortion. We have just
location (the permutations are endless), I find to hand it over to Her. With loving trust,