Page 27 - NAMAH-Jan-2018
P. 27
Namah Healing through works
truly unified. of that vast picture of social dissatisfaction
and misery. Desire and ego will entwine and
Once the yoga unwinds, we move more into tighten endlessly until both are faced and
the realm of receptivity. We receive because addressed. The mind can only throttle and
we give everything that we are. We don’t seek not master these two opponents of our true
to take; it is spontaneously given. In physical nature. The Yoga of Works calls for more
activity, by keeping our body open, a Higher than half-way measures or a sense of duty,
Force descends which not only energises it “… aims at something absolute, unmitigated,
and strengthens but completes the work in uncompromis ing, a turn, an attitude that will
a more perfect way. In sedentary work, our change the whole poise of the soul (5).” We
mind opens to become a clear channel and move forward through equality towards a
our thinking becomes more purposeful and complete reversal of consciousness, a complete
focused. The Force imparts a knowledge which immersion in the Supreme. This is why the Yoga
realigns everything in a truer way. Whatever is of Works offers the true panacea for everyday
right descends according to our truest calling. life. It is truly a need of the times.
Our intuition expands and we become more
attuned to the signals that the Universe is References
leaving. The Yoga of Works is like a laboratory
of the Spirit! Here, a myriad of patterns come 1. Sri Aurobindo Birth Centenary Library,
to the surface. The permutations are endless Volume 20. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo
but the remedy is invariably the same: it is Ashram Trust, 1970; 1970, p. 34.
the simple joy of self-giving. Only then can
an immutable peace and equality reign in 2. Sri Aurobindo. The Complete Works of Sri
the field of action. These steps head always Aurobindo, Volume 12. Pondicherry: Sri
in this direction right up to the point where Aurobindo Ashram Trust; 1997, p. 351.
our nature is laid entirely bare at every step
and every moment to the influence of the soul. 3. Sri Aurobindo. SABCL, Volume 20, p. 209.
Sri Aurobindo compares action to a knot . 4. Sri Aurobindo SABCL, Volume 23. 1970,
Desire and ego are at the centre. When one is pp. 529-30.
on the upward path, they lie at the source of
every suffering and woe. We live in illusion 5. Sri Aurobindo. SABCL, Volume 20, p. 95.
and consider ourselves free but really we are
just slaves to this ignorance. We become part 6. Ibid., p. 94.
1 “... in the path of works action is the knot we have first to loosen, we must endeavour to loosen
it where it is centrally tied, in desire and in ego; for otherwise we shall cut only stray strands
and not the heart of our bondage (6).”
James Anderson is a member of SAIIIHR and coordinating editor of NAMAH.