Page 21 - NAMAH-Apr-2019
P. 21
Empowerment of the heart, by the heart and through the heart
Annika Maxwell
We look at the importance of aligning to the summits of the higher vital, the heart’s infinite love, compassion,
kindness, divine truth, honesty and integrity for our own and universal spiritual growth, progress and
well-being, clearing and connecting the channel to and from the psychic being , offering questions for
introspection and application in everyday life.
Rising above perception of our surrounding and ourselves,
as well as emotional attitudes such as likes
“To the hill-tops of silence from over the infinite and dislikes, and a variety of repetitive,
sea, habitual and even compulsive behaviour
Golden he came, such as judgment, criticism and complaints
Armed with the flame, amongst many more, accumulated, often
Looked on the world that his greatness and ‘inherited’ as copied concepts and patterns
passion must free (1).” of beliefs and behaviour, in this lifetime as
well as from ancient times; often based on
Words are open to interpretation and are a (mis)-understanding of loyalty to what is
interpreted according to the perception and perceived as love and hence play a significant
level of consciousness of the individual. So role on our path of spiritual growth for the
what is it you personally hear being said in individual as well as for the collective.
the quote above?
Allowing our own greatness,vastness,
Do you hear being called upon? Is this unique abilities, purpose in life and infinite
your clarion call? Or is this not talking pool of resources is for many a daring step
about you at all but someone else? Are you into the unknown, when in fact, none of
waiting for someone or something to set us, not a single one is here on this planet
you free?Boundaries to our thinking mind to live under the covers but to uncover and
and our emotional experience are set by our discover oneself in the great one self. The
1 The soul in evolution