Page 22 - NAMAH-Apr-2019
P. 22
Namah Vol. 27, Issue 1, 24th April 2019
mind can’t do this alone and the way to and Chances to explore
from the heart seems covered with debris
and obstacles. Images and visualisations When we see and feel ‘fences’ around us
help to go beyond seeming limitations, offer we are given the chance to explore further.
a view from the bridge and invite the voice Maybe other images present themselves to
of the heart to speak divine Truth. Consider you,they may have been seen as boxes, walls,
this: sometimes thick hedges. It is the heart’s way
of assisting us to become aware of that which
You inherit a garden and attend to what grows is blocking the heart’s view or at the very
in that garden every day. You have done least dimming its light. Consider further, a
so for a long time. It has become a routine fence panel as a judgement, an attitude you
for you. After some weeding and watering once had created towards a certain situation,
and looking upon what you know so well, person or event, based, amongst other
sitting on the bench, your eyes look at things, on past experiences and emotional
the fencing around the place, consciously attachments you had formed. Many believe
seeing it for the first time and in this still their view to be the right one, meaning the
moment the heart is heard saying: “I wonder only possible view. For example you overhear
what’s beyond?” Immediately the mind people talking about something you don’t
and an ego, scared of losing what it knows agree with. By judging them you have not
best, jump in with suggestions and ideas, blocked them out as you may think but locked
“There? Not much else, just another garden, yourself in and in doing so the possibility
or barren land, it doesn’t matter.” The heart of the hearts’ energy flowing together into
speaks again.”It does matter. There is more. one. When we drop these fence panels, i.e.
I feel it.” Not because it feels it is not enough the need to criticise others for example, we
as the mind or ego may do but because it open up in letting the heart’s energy flow and
knows it is not limited like the mind and allow the heart’s magnetism (2), magnetising
it is outgrowing an ego. into your life what your heart is sending out.
May it be love and light.
Imagine if you can, allow the ego as a pod for
the soul in its very early stages of incubation, It is worth paying close attention to situations
and now the soul breaking through the and scenarios that seem to keep occurring to
shell. The soul speaking through the heart you, it is a strong message from the heart and
feels it is infinite, knows that truth and now the psychic being to look at what is keeping
wants to explore, live it and be it. It is a call you fenced in and away from radiating pure
from within. For many, consciousness has love, true greatness. Truth is an important
begun awakening on the mental level and we basis, a nourishing ground for love to grow,
now have the opportunity to further that so observe in all honesty your initial response
awakening including all aspects of nature to events, situations, news and conversations.
from mental realisation into the emotional For example, when anything presents itself to
body to have the viscerally lived experience you, be aware not to jump back too eagerly
of our highest potential in true alignment into analysing but recognise old default settings
with the psychic being. trying to take over. There is much of what