Page 39 - NAMAH-Jul-2019
P. 39
Namah Notes on counselling
were otherwise living lives full of boredom The phenomenon of barter would rest on its
or who had become lethargic could be adaptive potential that would simultaneously
stimulated into doing something that reflect individualism and reification of an
required energy and at times creativity. A abstract therapy. It would be a novel way
farmer who had frequent episodes of depression to reintegrate humanism and commercialism
was encouraged to make special preparations (1).
of lentil (a Bengali delicacy) that had to be
dried in the sun before being cooked. A Selecting an item for barter is creating a
youngster with artistic and musical talent commodity for the patient in a mutual decision-
but suffering from borderline personality making process. “The commodity may be in
disorder and substance abuse had to be kept the form of goods and services, have aesthetic or
under regular surveillance which could not utilitarian value, or have great or little monetary
be financially supported by his family. In worth(2).” It may include mechanical services
lieu he was told to be present regularly in like typing or helping in construction work,
the clinic where he played music to the clients knitting, art-work, pottery, sculpturing,
in the waiting room and participated in growing fruits and vegetables, helping in
psychodrama sessions that were held twice a editing manuscripts, choreographing dance
week. This arrangement could be maintained and organising dramas, poetry and music
for a decade though there were ups and sessions, aiding in computer-based work like
downs when his moods used to fluctuate data-keeping, medical transcription or accounts
and impulsivity surfaced. keeping, helping in library work, assisting
in clinic reception services and helping to
There were also cases where due to social organise rehabilitation programmes.
obligations, I could not take fees but I was
presented with gifts that had some special An optimal maturity in self-functioning is
appeal to me. I still relish the moment when a needed for patients who would be suitable
judge from whom I did not take fees presented for therapeutic barter. Psychotic subjects with
me with plaster of Paris statues of Sri Aurobindo disruptive self-functioning or delusional
and the Mother. behaviour and mentally challenged subjects
with immature self-functioning would not be
These experiences led me to think if such suitable for therapeutic barter. Subjects with
non-monetary transactions could be used psychopathic traits and personality disorders
for therapeutic gains. It was then that I came could also back-stab the process and need to
across the remarkable hypothesis of The be carefully selected.
Economic and Therapeutic Barter (ETB) by Paul
S. Rappoport. Though originally designed for Rappoport gives a classic case study in ETB
clients who could not pay the full fees but through his transactions with Steven, a middle-
only partial fees, a barter or partial barter aged male with compulsivity disorder, seen in
could be worked out by the therapist-client the aftermath of a painful divorce. He was the
duo that could simultaneously fulfil economic third and youngest son in a poor family and
obligation to the service rendered while his father died in an industrial accident when
itself being designed in a therapeutic form. he was three-years-old. He had no memories