Page 44 - NAMAH-Jul-2019
P. 44

Namah                                     Vol. 27, Issue 2, 15th July 2019

        determinism than the mind.  As soon as we  can shape his own destiny.
        become truly conscious of these conflicts inside,
        the nature starts to harmonise and change. It  Working through the body
        is the Divine Person, our Psychic Being that
        orchestrates this change. Through it, dispersion  It is possible to work on the the body and convert
        moves closer to a state of oneness.  Working  our nature. This is very intricate work. The body
        through harmony, it changes nature’s parts  provides a  detailed window into our inner
        into true instruments for the Divine Work. This  psychology. Everything surfaces there. The body
        harmony radiates outwards in our contacts  has an affinity with the soul which facilitates
        with the outside world. It is a long and arduous  this work. Through this inner work, every
        process but by sincere surrender to the Inner  inner vibration, whether good or bad, comes
        Teacher our whole being becomes more of what  to the light through the body. We watch inner
        it is in essence, Divine. Our mode of expression  disharmonies erode our own sense of oneness.
        becomes more one of the Truth.           We merely observe with our consciousness from
                                                 top to bottom all that appears. When we observe
        The conversion of our nature can only be achieved  ourselves with true consciousness, the effect is
        through inner work: there is no other way. We  alchemy. The creases of our nature that rise up
        come back to effort again but gradually the  to the physical get instantaneously ironed out.
        momentum moves into one of seamless  We look at ourselves disinterestedly and without
        surrender. We learn to align our entire nature  judgement and open to the transforming Force
        with the light of our Truth and soul. A key  from above. We go inside what we see and fully
        tool is the practice of self-observation. Self-  experience the vibration but we maintain our
        observation is something which grows by  station above. We don’t identify with what we
        continual practice. It is not work that we can  see; our consciousness is cemented to the Truth
        afford to do part-time. When we observe a part of  inside. It just looks and when it looks, there is
        ourselves with consciousness, that part changes  a spontaneous action. Truth takes the place of
        and aligns to the Truth. The change will happen  distortion. It is marvellous! We let that Light
        automatically if one is connected to the psychic  saturate everything we see. This practice turns
        truth inside. This is the true agent of change and  every wrong movement to right. It harmonises
        the true individual that is present in all of us.  the nature and instils a dynamic peace. It works
        At the point from where we first surrender to  at every level of our being. Ultimately, it is the
        it, to constantly referring to it in all our inner  only way to transform pain into its true identity,
        movements and outer actions, our speech and  Bliss. Most of all, it installs the Truth into every
        our silence, when we rise and when we sleep, it  facet of our being, which is our svadharma.
        gradually steps forward and our being becomes
        more and more harmonised. Our nature starts  We should aim to extend this practice into
        to merge more into it. The spirit through the  everyday life. The consciousness needs to be
        outer form starts to truly shine. One becomes  always in an alert and attentive state. Above
        more vast and free; there is a greater feeling of  all we must be present, which means to be
        health, abundance and well-being. One must  present in both time and space. We need to
        learn to live exclusively there: surely this is the  be living in the moment and not craving for
        only way to become the true individual who  future favours or dragged downwards by

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