Page 43 - NAMAH-Jul-2019
P. 43

Namah                                            Yoga and our destiny

        Yoga also teaches us first to be awake. When  has an executive action. As Sri Aurobindo says,
        we are conscious and awake, we notice for   “Consciousness is cit but also cit ssakti (2).”
        the first time those layers of conditioning
        that comprise our ‘personality’. When we   From Witness to Teacher
        candidly  look at ourselves, what we see
        amounts to very little that is authentic and  So as soon as we identify with this observer and
        true. Everything seems very superficial.   seek to become it, the function of this Witness
        What is real and what is false? We have to go  starts changing. Very gradually, it starts to take
        deeper to access something more authentic  on an executive action itself. The relationship
        inside of ourselves.  So we look below the  becomes more dynamic and intimate. Gradually
        surface and interiorise our consciousness. There  the Witness becomes our Inner Teacher. If we
        is little truth on the surface and if we live  are going to steer our course through to our
        there we amount to little more than a toy for  destiny this Inner Teacher is indispensable.  It
        all kinds of different forces. As soon as the  is our true pilot. This entity is, in a sense, our
        orientation changes, the quality of our life  true individuality, the Divine Person who has
        starts to expand and deepen. We come closer  accompanied us through countless previous
        to our life purpose. We begin to develop a  lives. As soon as we identify with it we start to
        greater immunity to forces outside. We start  realise our true identity which is also divine in
        to rely more and more on our inner resources.  essence. Our svadharma is to express the divinity
                                                 that lies buried inside our nature.
        As our consciousness changes direction we
        seek more guidance within. We dispense  At first the instructions of this Teacher are
        with the props and belief-systems that have  barely audible. It never imposes its will on
        up to now supported us in life. When we  our nature.  It only invites our collaboration
        enquire inside we become aware at first of  and it is this Truth inside that we have to
        something that watches and stands back from  bring out in our yoga. It comes forward by
        the play of our nature. There is a Witness  being attentive to its presence. When we
        who merely looks and does not intervene.  follow her commands the connection inside
        We learn to follow its example. We try to  is strengthened and we start to radiate it more
        detach a little from the outside play of shocks  and more in every part of our being. We don’t
        and circumstances. It is a source of solidity  toss away the scriptures and other external
        and strength but the function of the observer  helps, but we come to rely more and more
        only changes when our awareness changes  on our inner Guide.
        into consciousness. Sri Aurobindo defines
        consciousness as the “…faculty of being aware  To manifest our Truth we have to raise and
        of anything through identification. The Divine  refine the level of our nature. We have to clear
        Consciousness is not only aware but knows and  away a lot of inner debris. At the beginning
        effects. To be aware of a vibration, for instance,  what the observer witnesses is a mess of
        does not mean that you know everything about it  conflicting wills. Our nature is hopelessly
        (1).” Moreover, consciousness is aligned always  divided and its different sides jar and compete
        to Force. With consciousness, full knowledge of  with one another. These discords need to be
        the self and everything emerges. This knowledge  annulled but we have to rely upon a higher

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