Page 8 - NAMAH-Apr-2020
P. 8
Another dimension to the current pandemic
The matrix of health and illness be the last word. It can neither be ever
complete since there is a double contagion
There is a medical way of looking at life and that we experience. There is the contagion of
death, health and illness. It is largely based on matter and organisms that we are aware of
an understanding of the material processes and which we can stop by physically isolating
and forms of life. Valid in its own field, it ourselves. But there is another contagion, the
has its own advantages as well as its own contagion of psychological and occult forces,
limitations. the contagion of fear and panic that invades
our mind-space much more rapidly with its
So too, there is an occult and a spiritual way devastating effect on the immune system,
of looking at the same phenomenon which is which is what must eventually fight and take
again valid in its own domain. The different over the siege. The final remedy has to be
views do not cancel or contradict each other found within us or else we shall only change
as was erroneously thought in our recent past. diseases and the names of viruses.
Rather they complement each other and can
come together to make our life better and The forces of nature and the outer form
more beautiful. It is also very often a question
of semantics. Thus, for example, all illness After all what is a virus? It is a strange kind
is a form of disequilibrium. Medical science of life, almost like a living death or rather death
says the same thing but in a different way. waiting to come alive. The virus cannot exist
outside a living form for long. It survives
It looks for material and hence mostly by feeding upon the life-energy of other
external causes for the disruption of balance living organisms. Being closer to the state
whereas the spiritual looks at the inner and of original unconsciousness whence matter
subtler causes of the same. Ultimately however, came into existence, we can safely presume
it is only realism that we have little control that its natural affinity and food is the
over outer causes but the field within our disintegrating vital energy released from
immediate hold is our inner being. It is in the body as it breaks down. The virus in turn
this matrix where our unique biology and becomes a further force of disintegration,
psychology meet, where the material and the what we would call in Indian thought as tamas.
spiritual and all other forces come together Could it then be that a more sattvic, more
that we have to find the means of restoring compassionate and innately harmonious way
our equilibrium. Isolation may be good and of life would not be a ‘tasty’ or life-giving
helpful as a temporary measure but it cannot ‘dish’ to a virus, especially those viruses that