Page 10 - NAMAH-Apr-2020
P. 10
Namah Vol. 28, Issue 1, 24th April 2020
by her dangerous dance then we will remain come and go according to an inner logic of
untouched even in the midst of the worst. creation. Life and death weave the chequered
march of man but to those who have turned
This is the inner reason for the epidemic. towards the Divine, both of them are part of
Well, the first thing to remember is that fear a single plan and eventually instruments of a
attracts the feared. It acts like a magnet to higher Will and Wisdom that uses all things,
draw the thing that is feared. even the most seemingly contradictory and
shocking, to our limited sensibility for the
While it is reasonable to take suitable pre- greater divine purpose in creation. We have
cautions, such as washing our hands and to look beyond both and see in the bright and
avoiding crowded places, which are in any the dark, the glad and the terrible, the one
case breeding grounds for forces of illness, face we love, the face of our Divine Mother in
fear and panic and to be specifically avoided. countless forms. An inner state of peace and
Staying away from crowded places such as a trust in the Divine Grace, a quietude in which
bazaar where people gather centred around the forces of disintegration are paralysed and
‘desires’ is anyway a good idea as it opens become ineffective, a state of calm and strong
doors within us to all kinds of dark forces. will that refuses to give up and pushes every
On the other hand, to remain in a state of danger away with courage and confidence
inner quietude, cheerful trust in the Grace, and an inner isolation that one achieves when
filled with optimism and positivity is one one lives surrounded with beautiful thoughts
of the best ways to keep all such forces of and a good humour and cheer born of trust
illness away. From the occult point of view, are the best psychological conditions to be
a good psychological state reinforces the in to keep the virus away.
subtle envelope which is the body’s natural
protection against attacks from illnesses, etc. The lesson of the epidemic
On the other hand, it helps boost our immune
system which greatly benefits if we are in a It is also necessary to look beyond the present
cheerful state and goes down when we are attack, beyond the virus so to say, and learn
depressed. the lesson of the epidemic. It forces us to come
together as one humanity. It needed a virus to
To this a yogin or a sadhaka adds an implicit teach us that the world is one and if instead
and unfailing trust and confidence in the of fighting our illusory battles for dominion
Divine, a completest possible surrender to and control, we could come together to fight
Her Will. Without fear of any kind from this the real issues and real battles that man
or any other worlds, he goes about doing the encounters everywhere, then we would have
work given by the Mother, fully assured of taken a big leap in our consciousness. These
Her Protection and Her unfailing Grace. All real battles are ignorance, greed, lust, wanton
other things will come and go but this abides ambition and above all our deviation from a
forever and it is only these things that are state of oneness and harmony with creation
of eternal value and the abiding truth that and all life around us to a state of division.
we must remain concentrated upon, rather Cutting ourselves from the great current of
than on passing transient appearances that life that moves all earth as a single unit, we