Page 12 - NAMAH-Apr-2020
P. 12
What is Real?
An exploration into the deeper workings of Real and Reality
Dorathea Thompson
In this article, the author turns to cutting-edge scientific findings, ancient Buddhist principles and
modern-day psychology in an attempt to find illuminating pathways to the question of what is
In order to address the broad questions connotation due to recreational misuse and
of what is real, what is reality and what 1960s counter-cultural associations.
is truth, it appears meaningful to ask the
following questions: how do we humans Entheogens are psycho-active substances
construct our reality; what is the process; that have been used by indigenous people
where does it come from? To help us explore in sacred rituals and healing ceremonies for
these questions, we will turn to modern-day thousands of years. They include psilocybin
science, ancient Buddhist metaphysics and mushrooms, peyote, ayahuasca and iboga,
current psychological principles. among others.
Modern science With the advancement of pharmacological
synthesis of compounds and current studies
Modern science is blazing new ground in on psychedelic-assisted therapies, LSD
helping us understand how the human brain (lysergic acid diethylamide) and MDMA
functions. Cutting-edge research on the (3,4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine),
therapeutic use of entheogens (1) is revealing have been added to the list of promising
previously unsubstantiated findings and potentials, among others.
promising applications as curative medicinal
agents and facilitators for the expansion of Research into the therapeutic uses of psychedelics
consciousness. Entheogens is a term coined was seriously underway in the 1950s and 60s
by a prominent group of ethno-botanists and at leading universities and pharmaceutical
mythologists in 1979 to differentiate it from labs in the United States, Canada and Europe.
psychedelics, which had taken on a negative All research was abruptly halted in the 1970s,