Page 9 - NAMAH-Apr-2020
P. 9
Namah Editorial
are adapted to feeding upon the dark animal be wiped out in a similar way as other link
energy, say of bats and snakes and whatever species before us. Our hope lies in hastening
else? The first solution therefore lies in this evolutionary leap towards which nature
adopting a sattvic way of life, deliberately and is preparing us.
consciously. A life of balance and harmony
attracts forces of harmony, whereas a life Restoring health
given to fear and excitement attracts forces of
disintegration and disorder. It is very simply Meanwhile we must do what we must to
a law of affinity and attraction. Perhaps the navigate through the complex mesh of forces
virus has come to tell us something or rather through which our life moves and the various
Nature is telling us something, to change our dangers and challenges we encounter of
lifestyle, our approach and attitude towards which the virus is one of them.
earth and its creatures. It is also a reminder
of our fragility. With all our achievements, According to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
we remain fragile before the forces of Nature. behind the physical entities there is always
We need to find a way to make our body a play of occult forces, especially elemental
and matter secure against all invasions of energies, that are thrown out of the dead. It
the forces of disintegration. That can only is quite likely, as is being already proposed,
be done by the change of the very matter of that this viral illness and some previous ones
which our bodies are made, a change that is originate when animals are kept in miserable
possible only through an evolutionary leap conditions prior to slaughter and later killed
of the human body into another dimension of inconsiderately, possibly violently, In such
working wherein it becomes impossible for conditions, the atmosphere of an animal throws
any kind of forces of disruption and disorder out a lot of fear and rage which settles into the
to enter and disturb the more secure and atmosphere and environment of such places
elevated balance. where these animals are sold or slaughtered.
It is this ‘amorphous and dark vital soup’ that
This of course would lead us to a different helps breed what we later recognise as a virus.
subject, the Yoga of Transformation pioneered It then throws itself with as much violence
by the Mother and Sri Aurobindo. Suffice it to upon human beings, almost like a crystallised
say, that the final answer lies there and not in fury. The attack also throws into the human
a multiplication of drugs and vaccines except system a lot of fear leading to a cascading
as a temporary measure. Whatever it be, the effect. Nature supports this backlash of the
fact remains that so far the world has faced animal kind upon a greedy humanity that
several kinds of menaces and attacks from has gone on a rampage to destroy all kinds
physical and occult forces. Perhaps it will of life for its own petty satisfaction. After
survive until mankind discovers and fulfils a while the ‘Fury’ abates and the recovery
the great evolutionary purpose for which it starts. Behind these movements of nature
has emerged out of the animal. After that it there is almost invariably the force of Kali at
will depend on whether the old scaffolding to the level where the drama is unfolding. But
which we are presently so much attached, what we should remember is that she too is
will stay, though much changed, or else will the Mother and if we remain unperturbed