Page 24 - NAMAH-Apr-2021
P. 24

Namah                                    Vol. 29, Issue 1, 24th April 2021

        And love to rule a realm of strife and hate.  dreams of a perfect world, of perfect life, perfect
        A mind impotent to reconcile heaven and earth  love, are all embedded within our soul. They
        And tied to Matter with a thousand bonds,  are like seeds cast into the soul by the Eternal
        He lifts himself to be a conscious god (1). “     Sower. Each soul is the custodian of these
                                                 seeds and its first primary task is to prepare
        To imagine that two human beings can  the soil, the field of nature into which these
        perfectly adapt to each other when each unit  seeds must be cast and nurtured. The field is
        itself is not fully adapted to its own complexity  our nature and the soil is the instrument in
        is to think a bit naively. If it seems to happen  which these seeds are placed. In most human
        sometimes it is because human beings have  beings, neither the soil nor the instruments are
        learned to put up a nice neat façade. What  ready to receive the seeds. Such human beings
        we observe is the outer behaviour of people  have hardly any idealistic dreams. Their main
        and that too for a fraction of time. The larger  concern and preoccupation seem to be with
        part, the world of thoughts and feelings and  their bodily needs and vital desires for food,
        motives and intents, all remains buried in a  sex and progeny.
        large subconscious store, often without even
        the conscious awareness of man.          Tamas or inertia

        Humanity and the three modes of Nature   This is the first mode of nature that is mainly
                                                 centred around the physical material life and
        Yet human beings have learned to adapt  a rudimentary vital existence. In the language
        through it all and love and live and connect  of yoga, it is called the tamasic mode, where
        and relate though the law of perfect relation-  nature is driven by a kind of blind inertia
        ship still eludes them. But before we take  of habit. Here love and relationships is
        a look into the future possibilities let us  understood and limited by physical closeness
        see how we connect through each other  alone. One is drawn to those who are part of
        in our present imperfect mode. From the  one’s physical environment and milieu. One
        yogic point of view, we need to understand  is attracted to physical appearances and outer
        two fundamental truths. Though there is  features that are similar to one’s physical
        an essential and ultimate unity of soul and  environment. One lives together by custom
        nature, in our present state the soul can  and habit until death separates, not because
        express itself only through the modes of  of love but because of a need to be together
        nature and the instruments that she has
        designed for the soul’s experience and action.
        The soul is bound to nature, so to speak.

        The practical implication of this truth is that
        we all dream of a perfect harmonious beautiful
        existence and co-existence because such is the
        dream we inherit from our soul. Our soul is
        that portion which remains open to the Divine
        even when it is submerged in ignorance. The

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