Page 25 - NAMAH-Apr-2021
P. 25
Namah Yogic insights into human psychology
either because of conforming to the social and which continues until age takes over
expectations or else tradition. or the presence of a child cements the
relationship in another way.
All differences are accepted as part of things Another kind of rajasic relationship is driven
with no will to change or evolve into better more by true emotions rather than senti-
beings or improve things between each other. mentality. The difference between the two
An inert acceptance, a dull soulless routine is important to note. Sentimentality is an
of everyday life of togetherness, sprinkled a extreme form of egoism in love. Here one
little by social functions or holiday travels, is loves for the sake of one’s ego and not for
the only change in an otherwise meaningless the lover’s sake. It is these kind of people
life, held together in a common leash by fate who are prone to take their own life or the
even though the two may be poles apart. life of the one they claim to love, if their ego
These relationships endure by sheer force of is hurt. True emotions, on the other hand,
habit and tradition even though love and joy involves tender love and care, affection and
of togetherness has passed away. sweet attachments and all that brings joy to
the heart and gladdens the relationship with
The way to keep these relationships going a warmth and sweetness that makes it worth
is to engage in common family activities the experience.
and social bonds, to remember the stock of
common shared memories, to respect each Sometimes however the vital love can be
other’s needs and observe the traditions that driven by an idealism of its own and give
make one feel special through certain poojas itself completely in love, even to the extent
and rituals. of a total self-abnegation and sacrifice despite
meeting with scorn and fed with neglect.
Rajas Such a height is however rare and while it
may help the soul that brings out such a love
The second mode is one of constant change from within itself, it may not be good for the
and change for the sake of change. Here person who is the recipient of such a love. In
nature seeks perpetual excitement and any case the difference between becoming a
novelty. It mistakes love for attractions martyr and true love should be known but
and mistakes all outward charm for beauty’s we shall come to that a little later.
glow. The relationships born out of this
rajasic mode are of two levels. One is mainly More often than not, rajasic relations are centred
turned downwards, driven by lower around the vital self of desire and involve a
propensities. It is then turbulent in nature, constant give and take. The stability of this kind
full of desire and despair, strong attractions of relationship lies in this constant interchange
and repulsions, the heady mixture of love of words and acts from both sides that are
and hate poured in the chalice of the heart. needed to fill the emotional hunger of man.
Still such relation-ships can last through The day this ceases from one side, it begins
the mutual feeding of egos, a common to dwindle from the other as well. Love turns
satisfaction of desires as the goal of life, into hate or indifference continuing either
a freedom which is actually licentiousness by force of habit or comfort-zones of living.