Page 26 - NAMAH-Apr-2021
P. 26
Namah Vol. 29, Issue 1, 24th April 2021
But the two have drifted away and though is what is termed as sattvic, which is about
living under the same roof their thoughts and balance, moderation and equilibrium. Here
feelings are very often elsewhere. Since such one is not driven either by blind inertia
relationships are the most common, especially of habit or by upsurges of desires. One is
in today’s times, when the vital play has been bound by duty and the sense of ethics, rules
given its full scope to exhaust its tendencies, and regulations of life. Here, relationships
we see the sprouting of multiple affairs often and even love are subjected to rules,
carefully and hidden or disguised under whether moral, ethical, social or religious.
acceptable terms. Unfortunately human beings, A relationship here is more of the nature
with the coming of mind have perfected the of sharing of thoughts and ideologies, a
art of deception even though the soul within companionship more than anything else. The
weeps and knows the neat covers that lower elements may and do intervene since
falsehood wraps around the face of truth. we are not isolated into bits and parts but
Society in general accepts and often glosses they are subordinate and secondary.
over since most are in the same boat.
These relationships last as long as a common
Since most relationships belong to this category, ideal lasts. If one partner moves in a different
one form of intervention suggested is to keep direction or on a different curve of destiny,
feeding each other’s flame of love through then slowly the joy begins to dwindle. As they
entreaties, endearments, touches and caresses move along different lines of destiny carrying
and common activities that both enjoy, giving them further and further apart on tracks
cards to each other, remembering important not known to each other, the relationship
dates and making your partner feel special remains either of a sacred duty or promise
on the days that matter most. Yet these made to each other or else only the ghost of
relationships still break down since it is it remains as a relic of the past. This happens
rare for human beings to live always in this especially since some human beings, while in
state of giving (and receiving) and even if the stage of sattva, are readying to enter the
it happens, the vital in man gets bored and higher spiritual journey, leaving the mazes
wants a change for the sake of change. Society of ignorance in which these three modes
has often provided ways and means for such operate.
a change, from the notch girl to cinemas that
feed the vital fantasies of human beings. Of course, it seldom happens that there
Clearly this is far from perfect, in fact quite is a perfect match of the modes of nature
a turbulent life even at its best, largely given between two human beings. Often one person
to pleasure, and certainly not befitting a operates at one level while the other from a
human being who is born for much greater very different one. This is especially so when
things than personal happiness through outer one rises higher in the evolutionary ladder.
means. Thus for example, it is uncommon for a sattvic
person to find another sattvic person (though
Sattva it does happen), than for rajas-centred people
to find another human being due to the
A third mode of the operation of nature high prevalence of rajas in today’s world.