Page 28 - NAMAH-Apr-2021
P. 28

Namah                                    Vol. 29, Issue 1, 24th April 2021

        quarrel to reconciliation and from reconciliation  driven by the principle of rajas alternating
        to quarrel; sattwic affections last very often from  with tamas. Human beings have in addition
        duty to the ideal or with some other support  to these two the principle of sattva that grows
        though they may lose their keenness or intensity  with the development of mind, especially the
        or brightness. But the true reliability is there only  discerning intellect.
        when the psychic element in human affection
        becomes strong enough to colour or dominate  However, even in a highly sattvic human
        the rest. For that reason friendship is or rather  being governed by a discerning reason, the other
        can oftenest be the most durable of the human  two remain active on different members of our
        affections because there is less interference of  complex nature and the bodily instruments.
        the vital and even though a flame of the ego  The beast remains chained but ready to
        it can be a quiet and pure fire giving always  jump if the chain of rules and regulations are
        its warmth and light. Nevertheless reliable  slightly let loose. The Asura and the Rakssasa
        friendship is almost always with a very few;  prowl stealthily at night, ready to pounce
        to have a horde of loving, unselfishly faithful  with the slightest lowering of guards. The
        friends is a phenomenon so rare that it can be  enormity of the half-conscious and adverse
        safely taken as an illusion. In any case human  forces and their power to deceive is too much
        affection whatever its value has its place,  for the human mind struggling in ignorance,
        because through it the psychic being gets the  to even understand, let alone counter and
        emotional experiences it needs until it is ready  control.
        to prefer the true to the apparent, the perfect
        to the imperfect, the divine to the human. As  The result is a disorderly order, a semblance
        the consciousness has to rise to a higher level,  of outer order and balance while within all is
        so the activities of the heart also have to rise  in disorder and disarray. When the disorder
        to that higher level and change their basis and  becomes excess and spills to the surface then
        character (2).”                          we say the person has gone mad because
                                                 his outer behaviour begins to show up the
        We can readily see these three modes working  frank signs. But the inner madness and chaos
        in every sphere of life, from the atom to man.  in which we live remains unseen with its
        In the atom itself, we see these three modes or  roots hidden in a soil of darkness while the
        forces, — inertia, movement and equilibrium.  mad dance of the outside world goes on. We
        The trinity of Gods reflect this. The principle of  accept this madness by a collective social
        tamas tends to drag everything towards an end  convention, we accept the imperfection of our
        that ever begins again. Tamas is disintegration,  state. We succumb to the resistance to change
        a tremendous force of destruction to give way  and therefore the world goes into cycles of
        to the new. Rajas is movement and change; it is  ascent and disintegration, the pulling down
        the force of all creation. Sattva preserves the  of centuries of effort in a moment when the
        balance and the order. Again, when we look  evil hidden within man surfaces to thwart
        at the evolutionary hierarchy, the physical is  all existence.
        largely governed by the principle of inertia.
        It needs an external push to move. Living   “But all is there, even God’s opposites;
        forms from plants up to animals are largely   He is a little front of Nature’s works,

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