Page 44 - NAMAH-Jul-2021
P. 44

Namah                                     Vol. 29, Issue 2, 15th July 2021

        the response of psychological needs, such as  music induced physiological changes and
        emotional functions (e.g., mood regulation,  is associated with increased activation in the
        pleasure, relaxation), issues of identity and be-  core emotion network, including amygdala,
        longing is based high in the choices of music.  hippocampus and in mesolimbic striatal
                                                 regions associated with dopamine release
        Research                                 and promotes brain plasticity. Furthermore,
                                                 music promotes positive emotions and
        Lai and Good describe that listening to  modulates the level of relaxation, motivation
        forty-five minutes of relaxing music at  and pleasure, thus increasing holistic well-
        bedtime improves sleep quality, duration  being and social connection. Indeed, music
        and efficiency, thus reducing daytime  stimulation increases and preserves not only
        dysfunctions in a group of older adults  grey matter but also brain-connectivity, usually
        with sleeping disorders(1). Listening to  impaired by ageing processes. They ultimately
        good music before going to sleep reduces  focus on musically-inclined activities as a
        older adults’ depression levels together with  powerful tool in fighting against ageing-related
        stabilising the heart rate, blood pressure and  emotional and cognitive impairments. In 1999,
        respiratory rate. Beyond listening to music,  the first brain-imaging studies focusing on
        practising a musical activity or attending  emotions in music were documented by
        music therapy sessions can significantly  Blood, Zatorre, Bermudez and Evans. Here
        contribute to health and emotional well-  they used positron emission tomography to
        being. Some studies suggest that playing  examine cerebral blood-flow (CBF) changes
        musical instruments, participation in community  related to affective responses to music (2).
        group-recitals and taking active participation in
        any musical activity resulted in lower levels  Neuro-chemical responses to music
        of depression, more positive mood states,
        better quality of life, and social interactions,  Michael H. Thaut and Donald A. Hodges
        when compared to other leisure activities.  in their book, The Oxford Handbook of Music
                                                 and the Brain described the effects of neuro-
                                                 chemical responses to music with the help
                                                 of various research papers. They divided the
                                                 neuro-chemical responses in seven specific
                                                 systems in the brain. Knowledge of these
                                                 responses and neurochemical functions might
                                                 help therapists and mental health professionals
                                                 to uncover more significant effects of music
                                                 in various brain functions and help them to
                                                 understand brain pathology in a better way.
                                                 With the help of neuro-imaging techniques
                                                 and peripheral bio-markers, these music-
        The brain mechanism                      induced effects can be objectively assessed (3).

        The stimulation and emotional power of  •  Dopamine System

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