Page 49 - NAMAH-Jul-2021
P. 49
Namah Attachment to Love — Darkness to Light
misery and suffering it brings, to see that aspects of myself: the inner being, full and whole,
all our attachments are our weaknesses full of divine light and understanding and the
and soft spots, and to begin to use it as outer being (thoughts, emotions, feelings, physical
raw material for inner growth, to come being, behaviour, tendencies), crude and full of
back to an inner poise and quietude of the ignorance. Only when I embrace both fully, can I
being, and slowly to sort out the mixture begin to master my movements and bring integral
of emotions, mental opinions from our harmony gradually into the outer consciousness.
relationships and move towards love,
love as a way of being (1).
The false/ illusory promise of attachment
The Buddha said that attachment is the root-
cause of suffering. It seems that it is very
valid when we look at our experiences as
human adults.
At all the places that I am attached, the
promise that attachment implies is: if I get
that particular thing, that particular life- Using attachment as raw material for progress
situation, that particular person in my life
— there would be something that will get Is it possible for me to recognise all the places
added onto me, I will be peaceful, happy in my life where I am attached, spots which
and content. And on the contrary, if I lose bring in misery, spots where I feel weak in
someone special, or something special, then my knees, spots which bring in elation, spots
something will get subtracted from me, and which bring in despair and which also have
I will lose harmony, peace, joy and content. the capacity to throw me up in the air?
In essence this is not true. We slowly realise For these are the places I need to use as raw
through our life-experiences that nothing material to work upon. I would see, at the
can get added onto me and nothing can be same time, that there are many people, many
reduced from me. We are all whole and divine things and situations with respect to which I
in essence. Yet, having said that, to attain a am relatively unattached. They don’t bother
progressive refinement, purity and perfection, me much, whether given or taken away for I
our outer consciousness needs to be worked am not seeking from them to make me whole
upon in order to bring out the complete light and complete. I feel whole and complete with
of our divine essence. So, in this sense, it is a or without them. And yet, there are those
never-ending journey towards perfection of this people or things or situations in my life (my
instrument— the human being. And yet, at the soft spots, my weak spots), with respect to
same time, we are whole, full and complete. which I have desires, I have attachments,
I have my own mental rigid opinions that
It is amazing to see that I have to embrace both this should go this way only, like a sort of