Page 52 - NAMAH-Jul-2021
P. 52


        In vitro or in vivo? The question before modern science

        Dr. Venkatesh Palla

        Modern science, which has so far monopolised most knowledge and relied chiefly on in vitro
        experiments and double-blind trials, has now an opportunity in the  corona pandemic to verify
        its stand towards holistic medicine. There is an impending necessity to examine the methods
        of mental discipline, which the ancient sciences followed as they postulated their basic tenets.
        This article puts forward the advances and failures of modern sciences as far as human health is

                                                 be tested upon the hard ground of matter
                                                 for them to be accepted as valid. Science
                                                 as it came to us from the medieval times is
                                                 rich with discoveries that have radicalised
                                                 our lifestyles. A cutting-edge analysis
                                                 that bewildered intellectuals, supported
                                                 by statistical validity that could induce
                                                 massive lifestyle changes, is the trend that
                                                 modern science followed as it strengthened
                                                 its stance of monopoly over knowledge and
                                                 distanced itself from the ancient sciences,
                                                 calling them myths and madness. But today
                                                 we see lifestyles becoming mechanised and
                                                 automatic, destroying creativity and tethering
                                                 mental capacities to digital sensors. We have
                                                 to take care that these innovations which took
        The mind is the means of enquiry and the   birth to appease our material needs do not
        receptacle of knowledge for every scientist   blanch our inspirations and our minds do
        — ancient or modern. A mind observes,    not stop striving towards creative goals in
        infers and builds hypotheses which need to   leading us to intuitive and spiritual heights.

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