Page 53 - NAMAH-Jul-2021
P. 53
Namah Insight
It is interesting to note that every scientist of knots, which make it impossible for the senses
modern times is depicted with an instrument to learn what is subliminal or supraliminal to
or laboratory beside him or in his background them, whereas plants and animals in whom
and which has helped him in his discoveries, the senses are not bound to the mind can
whereas Ancient scientists or rrssis were de- easily access these ranges of knowledge to
picted in a pensive mood or shown in groups their advantage.
discussing philosophical matters. These im-
ages are enough for us to understand the Unknotting the mind
shift in the purpose of scientific explorations
from ancient to modern times. Ancient scien- The method of unknotting the mind is shown
tists were concerned with calming the mind in the Indian sciences by superimposing
and bringing synergy between individual the three chief functions of the mind upon
thoughts so as to achieve a universal accep- the three chief modes of terrestrial creation.
tance and for this they used sense-detachment Memory is equivalent to tamas, the principle
as the means. Modern-day scientists, on the of inertia, as it holds the mind to an object and
other hand, are concerned with matter and does not allow it to move beyond. Analysis is
the perfection of the senses so that matter can equivalent to rajas, the principle of kinesis, as
be thoroughly absorbed into its recesses and the ceaseless to and fro motion of the mind
the human mind does not make the mistake between the object and senses becomes
of doubling itself in its individual ignorance repetitive and exhausting unless it is properly
and miss the universal truth. An integration regulated. Discrimination is equivalent to
of both these approaches is possible when sattva, the principle of light tending towards
it is known that mind is the field of play, balance between the earlier two principles of
both for the ancient and modern scientists, creation, as it puts a quick end to analysis by
and there are ways to surpass this mind and assigning a personal or utilitarian perspective
get in touch with the universal truth. This to memory and elevates the sense-data to the
universal truth not only dawns at once as level of experience. There are several such
knowledge but gives the individual a perfect disciplines of yogic knowledge which occultly
and uncompromising control over matter. link matter with mind — like pancabhuuta,
saptadhatus, pancakosa, astasiddhi, etc. without
The vital functions of a living being can be which a perfect control over the mind may
classified into five motor functions, namely not be possible.
ingestion, ejection, locomotion, speech and
procreation. The gnostic functions can be But all this ancient knowledge is shunned
classified into five sensory functions called by the modern sciences because they are
smell, taste, vision, hearing and touch. Mind accessible and are verifiable only by supra-
comes in as a projection of human consciousness sensual means. Modern psychology is still
that links these senses and infers and makes obsessed with matter and is reluctant to include
assertions. Thus memory (smrrti), analysis paranormal and supra-sensual phenomena as
(viveka) and discrimination (buddhi) are the greater avenues to supernal knowledge. An
chief functions of the mind. These three chief atavistic disbelief still forces the materialistic
functions of the mind become the three chief minds to depend upon the negative method