Page 24 - NAMAH-Jan-2022
P. 24

Namah                                  Vol. 29, Issue 4, 15th January 2022

        of the being and help him evolve further.  enter into wideness of thoughts and embrace
                                                 universal powers that operate through and
        Life as a phenomenon seems to be flowing in   guide limited personalities. The higher life
        unison but there are diverse streams involved   ultimately helps in opting for a spiritual life,
        in it and they become distinct once we focus   which is not punctuated by death any more
        a clear eye on them. The spiritual purpose   as death transforms itself into punctuated
        behind each aspect of life is known only when   memories called `experiences`, sometimes in
        all these streams are known and mastered   a waking state, sometimes in a sleep state but
        and till then even spiritual life is bridled by   most evidently in the state of samadhi where
        mental opinions and beliefs.             the individual life is an eternal continuum of
                                                 universal life and ego is completely dissolved
        A sublimation of these sinister emotions   and personality remains only as a frame of
        begins to occur as a sense of observation   action. These spiritual experiences are the
        and detachment allows mind and thought   ‘time-loops’, where past, present and future
        to come in and guide the vitality. The higher   consummate into an eternal continuum and
        life is the mastery over these animalistic   the inner space begins to engulf outer space.
        behaviours to achieve higher goals. Mind, a   Our inner being accidentally or wilfully enters,
        plane of consciousness higher than life, begins   visualises and experiences the whole sensory
        to come into touch with the higher life but it   content of a spatio-temporal phenomenon that
        is allowed only for a subservient purpose of   is spread before the ten motor and sensory
        helping it. The vitality in higher life uses mind   appendages of a living being by the influence
        as a lever to unleash its capacities but does not   of the universal life energy that ceaselessly
        obey it as its master. It dictates the mind to   connects stellar and planetary movements
        serve its purposes or listens to the mind only   with terrestrial movements.
        for its pleasant soothsaying capacity but does
        not care to analyse each and every moment   An inevitable urge in universal nature
        and attain perfect control over the external   pushes every living being to move out of the
        movements under the mind`s light. Even   cyclical impermanence of lower life into the
        the opposite may happen that an imperfect   affirmative permanence of higher life. But
        mind without sufficient foreknowledge or   this journey into higher life is so tardy and
        spiritual authenticity may guide the vitality   complex that often one slips back into the
        to its peril, a catastrophe so commonly seen   lower life and is forced to start the upward
        in day-dreamers and luck-believers.      journey again. As the higher life reaches its
                                                 culmination, the person begins to experience
        Ego, the joystick of life, assumes a new name,   the permanence of his spiritual self. He
        the personality, in higher life but a dissection   understands that the causal beginning of
        of the personality reveals the same motives of   every movement of his life lies in him and
        ego in heightened proportions. The higher life   he is left alone to himself either to act on his
        reaches its culmination only when the mind   own or to follow the compelling stream of the
        understands that the ego is a temporary   outer world. He feels sufficiently enriched
        representation of the self and the death of   with inner experiences that awaken the
        ego or the lower self allows the being to   knowledge continuum of the outer world

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